[Peace-discuss] Fw: Crucial Week for (promoting) Health Care and (opposing) War

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Tue May 12 13:01:40 CDT 2009

You KNOW all those good faith promises made this week will come to naught, since they're not mandated... So it's time to press for at least a discussion of single payer, tho' we'll have to agitate for a while before that happens... Still, there's no time like the present to get started...
And it's past time to insist that the US stop aggression in the ME, specifically Afghanistan and Pakistan (and of course Iraq). 
Click away...

--- On Tue, 5/12/09, Democrats.com <activist at democrats.com> wrote:

Dear Jenifer, 
This week, Congress will make crucial decisions on two issues: single-payer health care and the widening war in Afghanistan/Pakistan. 
1. Single Payer Health Care 
On Monday, the for-profit health industry promised President Obama to cut costs by 1.5%, but we can only laugh.  
For-profit insurers will always put profits first - ahead of Obama's cost-saving goals and ahead of our health care needs, even our lives. 
The only serious way to reduce health care costs is to move from for-profit health insurance to a single-payer system like Medicare. 
Thankfully, Rep. John Conyers has a serious single-player plan, H.R. 676,   which has 75 co-sponsors. But we need 218 votes in the House to pass H..R. 676, so we must pressure every other Representative . 
First, sign our petition and forward it to everyone you know who is sick of - or sick from - for-profit health insurance: 
Then, if your Representative not a co-sponsor, call him/her at 202-224-3121 and demand to know why not. 
Then tell the Senate Finance Committee to stop laughing at (and arresting!) single payer advocates like us, and put a single-payer plan "on the table": 
And if you're near Washington DC on Wednesday May 13, join Progressive Democrats of America in a Day of Action for Single-Payer Health Care: 

2. The Widening War in Afghanistan/Pakistan (Af-Pak) 
This week, Congress will vote on another $85 billion for Af-Pak and Iraq. But our careless bombing in Af-Pak is only making things worse. And there are horrifying new reports we used white phosphorus against civilians. 
This week, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) will propose an amendment for an Afghanistan Exit Strategy. Please sign our new petition to your Representatives and Senators: 
Thanks for all you do! 
Bob Fertik 
p.s. Thanks to Ed Schultz for asking fans of The Ed Show to sign our single-payer petition. Many of us love Ed's radio show, and now we can see him fight for working families every weekday at 6 p.m. ET on MSNBC. Visit: 


Forward this message to everyone you know! 

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