[Peace-discuss] Health Care: Protectionism Free Traders Love

Mon May 18 12:01:37 CDT 2009

This presents a set of analyses and arguments which are sort of different
from the ones we normally see being made with respect to the health care
issue which - in my opinion - sets it apart and makes it worth reading.


>From Truthout:


Dean Baker | Health Care: Protectionism Free Traders Love 
 <http://www.truthout.org/051809J?n> http://www.truthout.org/051809J?n 
Dean Baker, Truthout: "Suppose that people in the United States paid twice
as much for our cars as people in Canada, Germany and every other wealthy
country. Economists would no doubt be pointing out the enormous amount of
waste in the US auto industry. They would insist that we both take advantage
of the lower cost cars available elsewhere and take steps to make our own
industry more efficient. For some reason, economists do not have the same
attitude towards health care."

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