[Peace-discuss] July 4th parade

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Wed May 20 22:47:40 CDT 2009

Remember that the theme is "The Lasting Legacy of Lincoln."  It would seem that 
we have to highlight the aspects of that legacy, such as they are, that are 
opposed to war and the sources of war.  And it will be hard to pretend that 
Bush's war has not almost seamlessly become Obama's war. --CGE

Jenifer Cartwright wrote:
> How 'bout a sweet little girl asking, "Mr Lincoln. What if they gave a war
> and no one came??" And/or our own version of what we hope Lincoln would say
> if he were alive today? Distill down his actual quotes (as John suggested),
> and/or use a quote or slogan that represents his reputation as a good guy, e
> g -- Honesty is the best policy. Something about negs of war. Something about
> positives of peace and freedom. And also, show examples to the contrary w/
> the universal symbol for NO -- circle w/ slantwise slash.
> It can't possibly have the punch of last year's (wow!), but we can get our
> point across w/o dissing Lincoln (or Obama). --Jenifer

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