[Peace-discuss] Fw: Investigate and Prosecute the Iraq-Torture Scandal

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Sat May 30 08:15:01 CDT 2009

This group is generally not on my thrill list, but here's one I think we can agree with ...


"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "activist at democrats.com" <activist at democrats.com>
To: baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 8:04:24 AM
Subject: Signed: Investigate and Prosecute the Iraq-Torture Scandal

Dear Ricky Baldwin,

Thank you for signing our "Investigate and Prosecute the Iraq-Torture
Scandal" petition at:

As the 15175th person to sign this petition, you are helping us reach our
goal of 100000 signatures.

You can help make this petition a success by sharing this petition with your
friends and family. Petitions will succeed only by word of mouth, and every
signature makes a difference! Forward our sample email below, or simply send
your friends this link:

Thank you again for making a difference!

Bob Fertik

=======Please forward to friends==============

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the petition: "Investigate and Prosecute the
Iraq-Torture Scandal"

Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in
signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a
difference. Please sign here:

Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and
family to sign as well.

Thank you!

Ricky Baldwin,


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