[Peace-discuss] Fw: Don't back down now on public option

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 3 10:07:00 CDT 2009

--- On Fri, 10/2/09, Jane Hamsher, FDL Action PAC <fdlactionpac at gmail.com> wrote:

Jenifer - 

The insurance industry and insider DC Democrats are pounding down the doors of public option supporters in Congress, demanding they back down.
In July, 60 Democrats in the House signed a letter saying they would vote against any bill that does not have a robust public option.  The news broke last night that the number is down to 46.  It takes 39 stop a bill without a public option from passing.
We will not back down.  We will continue to back the Democrats in Congress who commit to ensure that a public option without triggers is included in any bill that goes to the President's desk.  With Democracy for America, FDL Action PAC will stand up for these Healthcare Heroes.

Can you join us?

Click here to tell public option supporters that you won't back down for a strong public option.

These 46 members of Congress are taking an incredibly brave stance in defiance of the industry lobbyists and their ilk who are attempting to hijack the health care reform bill.  
Progressive organizations need to come together and say that they will be there for the members of Congress who are always there for us. Because if we don't, we've been down this road too many times before.  FISA.  The war.  Military commissions.  Paved with the good intentions of progressives -- but we know where it always goes. 

Just like members of Congress need the support of progressive groups, those groups need the support of their members.  Let these members of Congress know that you will be there for them if they stand strong behind those who are fighting for us. 
Please sign the DFA/FDL petition and let them know that you will stand with these progressives all the way through conference in their commitment to block the passage of any bill that does not include a strong public option.  Sign on and send a message:  The Progressive Block stands united. 
These Healthcare Heroes in Congress continue to stand strong and demand the choice of a public option with no triggers, no co-ops, and no backroom deals that will kill real reform. 

We stand united with them now and we will remember their leadership when they work for reelection in 2010. 

Thanks for all you do.


Jane Hamsher
FDL Action PAC

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