[Peace-discuss] Fw: Lou Dobbs

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 13 16:25:34 CDT 2009

--- On Mon, 10/12/09, Jane Hamsher <firedoglakeaction at gmail.com> wrote:

Lou Dobbs pushes conspiracy theories, faulty reporting, and rhetoric dangerous to the Latino community.
Yet CNN contiues to broadcast Lou Dobbs Tonight as a "news program." That needs to end.  
Tell CNN to remove 
Lou Dobbs from their network.  
Click here to sign the petition at BastaDobbs.org. Hi Jenifer - 

I need to interrupt our regularly scheduled programming about the public option for an issue of extreme importance from our friends at Presente.org: Lou Dobbs' dangerous brand of journalism.
Dobbs' show on CNN is riddled with faulty reporting and conspiracy theories like the "Birther" movement, and he has publicly pledged to oppose any policy President Obama puts forth.[1]  Yet CNN continues to broadcast the Lou Dobbs Tonight as a "news" program. That needs to end.  
No one knows the damaging effects of Dobbs' biased reporting more than the Latino community. Dobbs consistently spreads myths about immigrants and gives a platform to anti-immigrant extremists. Just last week, he appeared as an honored guest at the convention of FAIR, a leading anti-immigrant hate group linked to vigilantes charged with murdering a 9-year old girl and her immigrant father in their home.[2][3] 
Enough is enough! We're joining with our friends at Presente.org to demand that CNN remove Lou Dobbs from their network. Please click here to add your voice, and ask your friends and family members to do the same.
Dobbs' network CNN, calls itself "The Most Trusted Name in News." But Dobbs has shown that the one thing he can be trusted to do is gin up the kind of race-based fear that has been surging since Obama was elected.  Dobbs gave voice to the "Birther" movement even after it was widely debunked.  And in the past, he has blamed Latino immigrants for an alleged leprosy epidemic that was widely debunked [4], and falsely claimed that "illegal aliens" make up a third of the prison population.[5] 
Dobbs' words have a real impact.  Here is how Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center describes it: [6]

"How dangerous is Lou Dobbs? The rise in hate crimes against Latinos coincides almost exactly with the time Dobbs has been propagating false conspiracy theories about Latinos on the air. He's not urging people to go hurt and kill - but that is the effect of what he does." 
To fight back, we're joining a new campaign--Basta Dobbs--to demand that CNN no longer allow Dobbs to spew hate thinly disguised as "news" (basta means enough in Spanish).  Please join us in saying "Basta!" to Lou Dobbs and ask your friends and family to do the same. It only takes a moment:
Thank you,
Jane Hamsher
[1] Media Matters, http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/200908060038
[2] Rachel Weiner, "Dobbs To Rally Anti-Immigrant Fans On Capitol Hill" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/01/dobbs-to-rally-anti-immig_n_274110.html 
[3] David Niewert, "Minuteman 'tactical' leader/murder suspect Shawna Forde was part of the 'respectable' nativist Right too" http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/minuteman-tactical-leadermurder-susp
[4] Migra Matters, "A Look at Lou Dobbs' Leprosy 'Expert,'" http://migramatters.blogspot.com/2007/05/look-at-lou-dobbs-leprosy-expert.html
[5] Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, "The Illusion of Immigrant Criminality" http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=3683
[6] 9/5/09 Interview with Presente.org

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