[Peace-discuss] Durbin and Burris on Afghanistan escalation

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 10:26:08 CDT 2009

Senator Durbin's Washington office told me that Durbin has not made a
public statement on the proposal to send 40,000 more U.S. troops to
Afghanistan. I urged them to do so.

The phone number is (202) 224-2152, I would greatly appreciate it if
others would call, and report back any result.

I got an answering machine in Senator Burris' Washington office and
left a message. (202) 224-2854. But I was able to reach someone in the
Chicago office, who told me that Burris has not made a public
statement. I urged them to do so. 312-886-3506 is the number for the
Chicago office. Again, I would greatly appreciate it if others would

In a way, Burris has a lot of power right now - he can do whatever he
wants, no-one can touch him. There was an article that got some play
recently about how Burris has staked out a strong position on a public
option for health insurance, saying that he would refuse to vote for
any package that does not include one. So there you go. God had a
purpose for Roland Burris. Maybe God has a purpose for Roland Burris
on Afghanistan.

Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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