[Peace-discuss] Demon Russia

Brussel Morton K. mkbrussel at comcast.net
Wed Sep 2 22:10:23 CDT 2009

America's deepening inferiority complex begins to bite Russia

By Robert Bridge

Global Research, August 28, 2009
Russia Today

As the US beats a path through a social, political and economic forest  
of epic proportions, is it mere coincidence that news stories on  
Russia are becoming more hostile than ever?

Strangely, the end of the Cold War did not significantly alter the  
Western media’s perceptions of Russia. In fact, the collapse of  
communism seems to have forced the American media establishment to  
dish out the dirt on Russia with more gusto than ever before.

Perhaps the catastrophic demise of the Soviet Union, an invaluable  
enemy that turned America’s limited attention span away from its  
myriad domestic problems, is largely responsible for American media  
remaining frozen in its Cold War time warp. Or maybe Americans have  
simply absorbed too many James Bond flicks, and read too many James  
Clancy spy novels, to view Russia in any other way than negatively.

Whatever the case may be, this predictable knee-jerk reaction to all  
things Russian betrays more about the American media mindset, not to  
mention the real social conditions on Main Street, U.S.A., than  
anything remotely connected to modern Russia.

“Big-mouth Biden” signals Russian free-for-all

In July, US Vice President Joe Biden, just days after his Commander-in- 
Speech’s successful trip to Moscow, fired the starting pistol for the  
latest wave of anti-Russian rhetoric when he lamented that, “Russia  
has some very difficult decisions to make.”

“They have a shrinking population base,” Biden started. “They have a  
withering economy, they have a banking sector that is not likely to be  
able to withstand the next 15 years.”

Biden’s gratuitous tirade against Russia, besides betraying a  
disturbing level of disunity in America’s foreign policy sector, was  
in many ways a paranoid’s mirror reflection of the very problems now  
facing the United States. After all, the entire world is now slogging  
its way through an economic swamp of dinosaur proportions, and most  
countries have “difficult decisions” to make.

Besides the part about a “shrinking population base,” which America  
would be confronting no less than Russia had the state of Mexico never  
existed, Biden described word-for-word the profound problems now  
eating away at the pedestal of the American superpower.

“The number of problem US banks rose to the highest level in 15 years  
between April and June,” the BBC reported Thursday, adding that “81 US  
banks have now been forced to close this year.”

But the next line provides a real clue to Biden’s inexplicable Russian  
offensive: “The regulator (The Federal Deposit Insurance Company, or  
FDIC) said that due to the large number of failed banks, its deposit  
insurance fund – which safeguards up to $250,000 (£154,000) per  
personal bank account – had fallen by 20% between April and June to  
$10.4bn (£ 6.4bn).”

Given this truly ominous scenario for US banks in the very near  
future, what was the US Vice President thinking when he predicted  
calamity – 15 years down the road – for the Russian banking system?

Perhaps Biden thought that by rhetorically unloading the dirty dishes  
into Russia’s big sink, all of America’s pressing domestic duties  
would go down the drain? Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple.
Or maybe Biden wants the world to forget that it was America’s  
“withering economy,” and not Russia’s, that was mostly responsible for  
bringing the entire planet to the precipice of economic meltdown. This  
fact requires more than a passing mention.

American apologists for the Crash of 2008 like to blame this latest  
economic seizure on the inherent “sophistication” of US financial  
models, which apparently proved too obscure for the simple minds of  
simple consumers to comprehend.

In other words, had the American consumer only read the fine print on  
all of those millions of mortgage loans, or consulted a financial  
guide or guru, he would have realized that his simple home mortgage  
was actually an “adjustable-rate mortgage.” He would then have  
understood that he would be forced – despite his ability to afford the  
mark up – into a higher mortgage bracket once his “adjustable-rate  
mortgage” magically reset itself.

“More than one in eight US mortgage borrowers was behind on their  
payments or facing foreclosure at the end of the second quarter,” the  
Financial Times reported last week, “as rising unemployment aggravated  
the housing crisis, the Mortgage Bankers Association said yesterday.”

These are the most ominous figures for US mortgages since the MBA  
began keeping records in 1972, which begs the question: when is  
America going to send its citizens away to a weekend Capitalist camp  
so they can learn the dirty inside secrets of the system?

Imagine the fallout if such a shameful, unethical thing had transpired  
in Russia: the western media machine would have been screaming about  
“corruption” and the lack of transparency and democratic credentials.  
But when the same wicked thing occurs in God’s Country, pompous  
economists blame it on the “sophistication” of the system, despite a  
level of corporate corruption and political collusion that leave one  

Meanwhile, scrappy Americans continue to hold out hope that with a  
little more tinkering with the Anglo-Saxon brand of laissez-faire  
Capitalism, give or take a few injected trillion of dollars courtesy  
of the untamed Fed, everything will be back to business as usual.

In fact, Americans are so confident about their future prospects that  
they can even refuse national health care – in the middle of the worst  
economic crisis since the Great Depression – at the very same time  
they happily prop up dying US banks and corporations with their own  
tax dollars. And then they can actually criticize a national  
healthcare plan as “socialist”! Hello? Yes, the lights are on in  
America, but is anybody home?

In hindsight, Biden’s Russian broadside was meant to underline that  
Obama’s trip to Moscow, which focused on nuclear disarmament and the  
balance of power, should not be misconstrued as the United States  
bowing down to its former Cold War nemesis. Rather, Biden’s bizarre  
comments were designed to suggest that it was actually Russia that was  
looking for cheap handouts due to its “perilous” economic situation.  
Hillary Clinton’s attempts at appeasement the next day (“We view  
Russia as a great superpower,” she told reporters) only served to  
magnify Biden’s ridiculous assertions.

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

“Russians,” according to Richard Pipes, writing in the delightfully  
objective Wall Street Journal (Pride and Power, August 22-23, 2009),  
“miss the status of their country as a force to be reckoned with: a  
country to be respected and feared.” But since they are powerless to  
stop the US Juggernaut from steamrolling the planet, the only thing  
left for Russia to do, Pipes believes, is to play the naughty spoiler  
to all of America’s benevolent plans.

“Under present conditions,” writes Pipes, “the easiest way for them  
(Russians) to achieve this objective (superpower status) is to say  
“no” to the one undeniable superpower, the United States.”

In this latest rip at Russia, Pipes argues that this intrinsically  
Russian craving for superpower status accounts for more than one  
Russian tantrum, including “their outrage at America’s proposal to  
install rocket defenses in Poland and the Czech Republic.”

So in Mr. Pipes’s academically contrived vision of the Motherland,  
most Russians these days are huddled in their gloomy kitchens, sipping  
bitter tea while conspiring how to deliver an empire back to the  
glorious Motherland. This one journalist has sat in a lot of Russian  
kitchens, but “restoring empire” is a subject that has never once come  
up in conversation. The only talk of “expansion” seems to involve  
one’s private dacha in the suburbs.

According to Pipes’s pipedream, Russia’s fixation on returning to its  
“rightful place in the world,” is the root cause for Russia  
“misbehaving” and derailing all of America’s grandiose plans, the  
majority of which (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan) have an awful tendency  
for backfiring. In other words, when Russia questions the need for a  
missile defense system, for example, in its geopolitical backyard, it  
is acting aggressively and even nationalistically.

In these days of economic fire and brimstone, even photos of Putin’s  
pectorals prompt fears of a resurgent Russia

One manifestation of Russia’s yearning for superpower status,  
according to the rationale of the Financial Times, is Prime Minister  
Vladimir Putin’s habit of going bare-chested astride horses for the  
benefit of the paparazzi.

“Mr. Putin’s apparent compulsion for flaunting his torso,” the FT  
hypothesized, “offers an unfortunate metaphor for Russia itself: a  
great, but waning power deluding itself that a show of muscle is the  
way to cling on to past glory.”

Yes, that’s right; Putin enjoying a shirtless day on the range in  
Siberia somehow demonstrates Russia’s innate desire to conquer the  

But what about Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy, who were also caught  
casually displaying their pecs? Are these leaders any less power- 
hungry than Vladimir Putin since they, in a moment of machismo, and  
despite a little airbrushing, also presented their pectorals on the  
world stage? And let’s not even attempt to psychoanalyze Italy’s  
Silvio Berlusconi’s latter-middle-aged machismo.

The Empire bites itself

Just 5 years ago, American academia could not resist gushing about the  
rise of “American empire” from every pulpit. Max Boot, a military  
historian, kicked around “a case for American empire,” while  
neoconservative author Charles Krauthammer crowed in the run-up to the  
war in Iraq that “People are now coming out of the closet on the word  
empire. The fact is no country has been as dominant culturally,  
economically, technologically and militarily in the history of the  
world since the Roman Empire,” he said in one of his more spookier  
unilateral moments.

Today, as America continues to struggle with the grim realities of a  
two-front war (Iraq and Afghanistan) these individuals are now licking  
their scholarly wounds, thumbing historical indexes for more relevant  
words besides “empire,” including “overstretch” and "delusions of  

Presently, news out of Afghanistan and Iraq has been slowly  
disappearing from the front pages. When stories from the war front  
stop appearing in the newspapers, this can mean only one thing: things  
at the front are going badly. After all, no nation hides its military  
successes from its people.

Today, when the limits of unilateral power have once again been  
proven, American writers are taking a more sober look at the present  
realities. Several humbling things are already predictable: China, for  
example, Asia’s great transformer, will surpass the United States in  
productivity in the next five years, possibly sooner; The cost of  
fighting wars on two fronts – in Afghanistan and Iraq – will  
eventually become unsustainable, if not unwinnable; Without a new  
revolutionary invention, on par with the automobile or computer, the  
future of the American economy will remain on very shaky ground.  
Meanwhile, unless America starts to invest much more in domestic  
issues (healthcare, infrastructure, and education) its overall  
economic standing in the world will continue to suffer.

But perhaps it is the unpredictable things that worry the US the most.  
American politics is witnessing a level of partisanship not seen since  
the Vietnam War. Town hall meetings have exposed the ugly head of a  
dual-party system that throws voters into the ring against itself. No  
outlet for real change is available as the corporate-owned media  
colossus refuses to acknowledge the popularity of truly radical- 
thinking contenders (think Ron Paul, for example, or Dennis Kucinich,  
two presidential “pretenders” who attracted enough public support  
except where it mattered most – in the newspapers and over the  

America believes that by characterizing Russia as a menacing bogeyman  
at every opportunity, this will deflect the full impact of its  
worrisome domestic situation. Negative reporting on other countries is  
certainly not a new strategy. However, this trick can only work for so  
long before the true source of a nation’s malaise is rightly revealed.  
And at this point the United States will be forced to confront its  
domestic demons – unilaterally.
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