[Peace-discuss] Councillor Yukihisa Fujita, "Japan's Ron Paul" - interview 9-11 at 9 am central

E. Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Fri Sep 11 03:52:04 CDT 2009

Media outlets


AIRTIME: September 11 Friday
Program length open ended.23:00 ~ ? Japan Time
14:00 ~ ? GMT / UTC
10:00 ~ ? US Eastern Time
09:00 ~ ? US Central Time
08:00 ~ ? US Mountain Time
07:00 ~ ? US Pacific Time
06:00 ~ ? US Alaska Time
04:00 ~ ? US Hawaii Time

CALL-IN NUMBER: 512-879-3805.

Councillor Fujita is eager to take your calls.

Councillor Fujita has repeatedly challenged the Japanese Government to 
open its own investigation of 9/11. He has long been a crusader for 
world peace, an opponent of the "War on Terror", and a vigorous advocate 
of personal liberty, beginning with lower taxes. He is also the primary 
author of the of the book, written in the Japanese language, 
"Questioning 9/11 Truth at Japan's Diet --- Can Obama Really Change the US?"

Here are several quotes from Councillor Yukihisa Fujita, transcribed 
from a conversation with IndyInAsia on Ron Paul Revolution Radio, 
recorded 2008 December 28:

"I have looked at various information regarding Ron Paul and I'm very 
encouraged that he is known as the taxpayer's best friend. And the 
various economic revitalization plans that he mentions also gives me a 
lot of hope. He obviously looks at policy making from the viewpoint of 
the common people. And he wishes to eliminate taxes on tips. And his 
support for the Mortgage Cancellation Relief Act and so on. I'm very 
inspired by a person elected 10 times in Texas, a Republican, who used 
to be involved in the Army, who has those policies. Also, his Foreign 
Policy of Honest Friendship, and desire to have less US military 
presence outside the USA. I am very inspired by the combination of his 
foreign and domestic policies. He must be a champion for the citizens of 
the world."

"I would like to mention (in the Japanese press) that there is such a 
healthy, sound, well-balanced politician, and a friend of taxpayers, who 
is also truthful and quite frank with his own government and his own 
party. This is the model of a sound elected politician. Caring for the 
taxpayers and the people who live on tips and so on. And I think this 
kind of politician in the Republican Party may not be known in Japan. 
Therefore, I would like to mention that there is such a person who has 
touched the conscience, intelligence, and heart of the people."

"I think, in Japan, the reputation of politicians has become so low that 
when I go to a graduation ceremony of a primary school, and the 
schoolmaster asks the graduates, "What do you want to be become when you 
grow up to be an adult?" Not one child says he or she wants to become a 
politician. Therefore, I think (the fact that) there is such a trusted 
politician in the USA itself is an inspiration to the Japanese public. 
And that may help the Japanese public realize that you cannot, sort of, 
give up on politicians."

Background on Yukihisa Fujita: http://tinybang.com/1403
The Political Leaders for 911 Truth Petition: http://tinybang.com/1404

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