[Peace-discuss] Fw: TARGET: Rep. Joe Wilson -- who yelled "You lie!" at Obama

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 11 16:51:33 CDT 2009

I'm sooooo sick of these damned right-wingers saying whatever they want and getting away w/ it, plus of course all the media attention -- equal time and then some. And until there are some real consequences, it won't stop. I do NOT want the Dems/progressives to get down to their level -- i e constantly referring to Laura Bush as, "Boyfriend-killer Laura Bush" or referring to Republicans as "Draft-dodging chicken hawk Republicans," but there needs to be some way to stop it. So maybe censure in this case would be one way to start the process. I think we need more libel and slander lawsuits as well.

--- On Fri, 9/11/09, Ricky Baldwin <baldwinricky at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Ricky Baldwin <baldwinricky at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Fw: TARGET: Rep. Joe Wilson -- who yelled "You lie!" at Obama
To: "Peace-discuss" <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>, "Karen Medina" <kmedina67 at gmail.com>
Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 2:51 PM


I don't think censure is the way.  We'd probably do better with a rowdier system, even like the British Parliament with all its faults, where the PM has to actually go down on the floor and debate.  Of course, it hasn't made Britain a workers' paradise.  But at least they have National Health - for now.*


*That has to do with other factors, in my opinion.

"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn

--- On Fri, 9/11/09, Karen Medina <kmedina67 at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Karen Medina <kmedina67 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Fw: TARGET: Rep. Joe Wilson -- who yelled "You lie!" at Obama
To: "Peace-discuss" <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>
Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 1:48 PM

Representative Joe Wilson's outburst tells us more about him. He is
dumb enough to think it is a good idea to have people living among us
that DON'T have access to health care.

He made a fool of himself.

-karen medina

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Jenifer Cartwright <jencart13 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Seems appropriate to sign this...
>  --Jenifer
> --- On Thu, 9/10/09, Adam Green, BoldProgressives.org <info at boldprogressives.org> wrote:
> ________________________________
> Tonight, during a speech in which President Obama explained the need for a public option, right-wing Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) played the roll of teabagger and yelled, "You lie!"
> Enough. Can you sign our rapid response petition, asking Congress to censure Wilson?
> Click here to see petition and sign.
> Jenifer,
> Tonight, we saw a momentum-shifting speech from President Obama -- and progressives who had the courage to speak up in recent days helped make it happen.
> After an emergency, 6-day campaign -- launched as the West Wing was debating what would be in the president's speech -- President Obama did what so many of us urged him to do.
> Obama embraced the public health insurance option and explained why insurers that profit by denying care need competition. To be fair, there were downsides, such as framing a public option with 60%-70% support as a left-wing proposal. We'll need to keep urging the president to think big and fulfill his mandate.
> But overall, his speech moved momentum to a better place than it was 24 hours ago, and Obama used fighting words: promising to "call out" anyone who spreads misinformation to kill reform.
> One person immediately deserves to be "called out." Right-wing Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) played the roll of teabagger by yelling "You lie!" at the president. Let's go on offense -- will you sign this petition to Congress?
> PETITION: "Enough is enough. On an issue as critical as health care reform, it's time to stop the lies, the misinformation, and the uncivil disruptions. Rep. Joe Wilson went way over the line by yelling 'You lie' during President Obama's speech, and Congress should censure him immediately." Sign here.
> It's getting late at night -- but let's see if we can get 20,000 signatures by noon tomorrow. Can you send this email to your friends who watched the speech?
> After you sign the petition, you'll have the option of chipping in for an ad targeting Wilson.
> Let's send a signal to President Obama that if he is willing to fight and win on the public option, a grassroots movement will be there with him -- including going to bat against crazed teabaggers who want to kill reform.
> Can you sign the petition, and pass it on to others? Click here.
> Censure could be a real possibility if we go on offense now. Sen. John McCain called Wilson's yelling "totally disrespectful." Wilson later called his own actions "inappropriate and regrettable" but repeated the same misinformation he yelled out at President Obama -- about illegal aliens.
> Frankly, an apology is not enough. Apologies weren't enough for Van Jones, the bold progressive who right-wingers forced to resign from the White House this past week for remarks taken out of context. And House Rules of Decorum specifically state that it is not permissible to call the President a "liar" -- let alone yell it.
> Can you sign our petition today asking Congress to censure Wilson -- and pass it on?
> Thanks for being a fighting progressive!
> --Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Michael Snook, Andrew Perez, Evan Miller, and the PCCC team
> ________________________________
> Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (www.boldprogressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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