[Peace-discuss] End the war vs. Pakistan...

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Fri Sep 25 12:15:36 CDT 2009

[Let's make book on how soon it will be before the US attacks members of the 
Pakistani military who are engaged in shooting down US drones... --CGE]

	US Mulls Increasing Drone Strikes in Pakistan
	Will Pakistan Escalation Come With Afghan Escalation?
	by Jason Ditz, September 24, 2009

In a move reportedly being spearheaded by Vice President Joe Biden, the United 
States is reportedly considering a dramatic increase in the number of drone 
attacks on Pakistani soil.

Biden, a skeptic of the Gen. McChrystal plan to add 45,000 more troops to the 
war in Afghanistan, seems to be presenting “emphasize Pakistan” as an 
alternative to committing more troops to the unpopular war. Yet Senator Kit 
Bond, one of the proponents of escalation in Afghanistan, has said the move 
shouldn’t come at the expense of adding more troops in Afghanistan.

As is so often the case, the alternative escalations, be it Biden’s drone 
escalation or Sen. Levin’s escalation of funding for the Afghan military quickly 
morphed from “alternatives” to additions to the broad addition of troops to the war.

Pakistan has publicly responded with skepticism to the idea of lobbing more 
missiles into their restive tribal areas. This must be taken in context, 
however, as Pakistan had long denied that it is supporting the current strikes, 
and with the US having tripled aid to the troubled nation only today it seems 
unlikely the Zardari government is going to pick now to stand against whatever 
escalations the US chooses to make.

[But the Pakistani military -- which the US is desperately trying to bring under 
control of the civilian government, by bribery and intimidation -- might. --CGE]


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