[Peace-discuss] Support for Palestine

Morton K. Brussel brussel at illinois.edu
Sun Aug 1 22:54:01 CDT 2010

Chomsky's reply here is better than the one he gave in Paris to a similar question, where he brushed off BDS by saying that we should be BDS-ing (sorry to verbalize it) against the United states, which is much more important then to BDS Israeli interests (detrimental to Palestinians, peace, and justice). The obvious answer of course is that one does what one can do effectively; one in fact can do both… I think Chomsky recognizes that his Paris response was facile, so he now goes on with long ratiocination about the matter.

On Aug 1, 2010, at 9:04 PM, C. G. Estabrook wrote:

> OA:  What is your view of the current approaches of those opposing the Occupation – globally, as well as in the US? Where do you stand on BDS in its various forms? Your position on BDS has, at times, been challenged by anti-occupation activists. Has your position evolved over time? Is BDS more appropriate in Europe than in the US? And, what other strategies and tactics do you think people opposing the Occupation should focus on?
> NC: The most important tasks, I think, are those I just briefly sketched, particularly in the US but also in Europe, where illusions are also widespread and far-reaching. There are many familiar tactics and strategies as to how to pursue these crucial objectives. They can also be supplemented by various forms of direct action, such as what is now called “BDS,” though that is only one of many tactical options. Merely to mention one, demonstrations at corporate headquarters, especially when coordinated in many countries, have sometimes been quite effective. And there are many other choices familiar from many years of activism.

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