[Peace-discuss] The message of wiki-leaks…

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Mon Aug 2 12:08:29 CDT 2010

In Rich's NYRB review of Alter's gushing swill ("...Barack Obama was in the
company of Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson now in terms of domestic
achievement, a figure of history for reasons far beyond the color of his skin”),
Afghanistan gets about as much space as the refutation of a story that Sarkozy
and Obama checked out a Carioca's ass.

In the penultimate paragraph Rich announces that Afghanistan is a "challenging
quandary" - not a crime nor even a mistake.  He opines that Obama's Afghanistan
strategy is a "Rube Goldberg policy ... at once intellectually clever and yet
makes no discernible sense on the ground"!

That's it.

On 8/2/10 10:44 AM, Morton K. Brussel wrote:
> Again, you beg the question with the statement below. It's clear that Rich
> thinks we should get out of Afghanistan. That's specific, and positive,
> despite all else. I also want the U.S. forces "out". That's the most
> important thing at the moment, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere.
> As for Carl, he can twist anything for his purposes, as with use of the word
> "quagmire" as an excuse for hiding criminality.
> It is one thing to say that you are not satisfied, or strongly dissatisfied
> with the positions and writings of someone like Rich, but I believe your
> twisting of what can be helpful in stopping the killing is perverse. Get off
> your ideological horse.
> --mkb
> On Aug 2, 2010, at 8:57 AM, David Green wrote:
>> On a broader level, everyone wants peace, albeit on their own terms.

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