[Peace-discuss] Portrait of a Sagging Empire - Chalmers Johnson

E.Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Tue Aug 17 20:11:40 CDT 2010

Chalmers Johnson wrote Blowback and Nemesis.  His latest book is Dismantling the Empire: America's Last Best Hope.

I personally believe that the American people will not listen (they do not know how...) before it is too late.  Chalmers predicts a long slow decline as does Max Keiser.  I rather favour the notion of some sudden catastrophe, but indeed who knows?

Excerpt from Chalmers' article at the TomDispatch http://www.tomdispatch.com/archive/175286/ where you can "read more":

  Thirty-five years from now, America's official century of being top dog (1945-2045) will have come to an end; its time may, in fact, be running out right now. We are likely to begin to look ever more like a giant version of England at the end of its imperial run, as we come face-to-face with, if not necessarily to terms with, our aging infrastructure, declining international clout, and sagging economy. It may, for all we know, still be Hollywood's century decades from now, and so we may still make waves on the cultural scene, just as Britain did in the 1960s with the Beatles and Twiggy. Tourists will undoubtedly still visit some of our natural wonders and perhaps a few of our less scruffy cities, partly because the dollar-exchange rate is likely to be in their favor.

  If, however, we were to dismantle our empire of military bases and redirect our economy toward productive, instead of destructive, industries; if we maintained our volunteer armed forces primarily to defend our own shores (and perhaps to be used at the behest of the United Nations); if we began to invest in our infrastructure, education, health care, and savings, then we might have a chance to reinvent ourselves as a productive, normal nation. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening. Peering into that foggy future, I simply can't imagine the U.S. dismantling its empire voluntarily, which doesn't mean that, like all sets of imperial garrisons, our bases won't go someday.

  Instead, I foresee the U.S. drifting along, much as the Obama administration seems to be drifting along in the war in Afghanistan. The common talk among economists today is that high unemployment may linger for another decade.  Add in low investment and depressed spending (except perhaps by the government) and I fear T.S. Eliot had it right when he wrote: "This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper." 
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