[Peace-discuss] Blackwater/Xe Pays $42 Million in fines so it isn'ttaken to court

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 20:16:16 CDT 2010

> You'd likely agree with the "poorly understood" part.

Erik Prince is making a lot of money off of the poorly misunderstood
people he employs. And selling guns to the "other side" is pretty
lucrative too. Playing both sides insures that he'll continue to rake
in the money. Erik Prince is the military industrial complex

When asked by a member of Congress for financial information about his
company, he declined to provide it. "We're a private company, and
there's a key word there -- private," Prince answered*

-karen medina
*  The Man From Blackwater, Shooting From the Lip by Dana Milbank, The
Washington Post, October 3, 2007, Page A02.

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