[Peace-discuss] [Peace] Upcoming events of interest to AWARE, 8/22/2010

pnolan64 pnolan64 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 23 17:42:57 CDT 2010

The "Motor Muster" is the antique car show.

"To thine own self be true."
William Shakespeare
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----- Original Message ----
From: Stuart Levy <slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu>
To: peace at anti-war.net
Sent: Mon, August 23, 2010 9:42:40 AM
Subject: [Peace] Upcoming events of interest to AWARE, 8/22/2010

Some upcoming events of interest to AWARE people:

*date not yet set*
   AWARE Presents group meeting to plan a public program on
   suicides in the military and their effect on our community.
   Interested?  Please contact
      Conrad Wetzel <mc-wetzel at hotmail.com>
   Planning meeting will likely be in the Mennonite church.

8/23 Monday 7:00PM *today*
   Champaign Public Library, "Friends Meeting Room" (rm 215, 2nd floor)
   Meeting of new C-U immigrants' rights response group

     It has been four weeks since Arizona's SB 1070 was enacted into law. While
     the threat to undocumented immigrants is lessened due to Federal Judge 
     Bolton's ruling, the persecution of undocumented immigrants continues
     throughout Arizona and the U.S.

     Five states have already introduced similar legislation,
     and 20 additional states are purportedly considering it.
     The border is no longer just along the Rio Grande.

     A group of Champaign-Urbana residents have been meeting to discuss what we
     can do here to help our immigrant brothers and sisters and prevent this 
     of legislature from reaching Illinois. While we have some ideas of what
     could be productive, engaging and fruitful, we need your help to make this

8/27 Fri 5pm-11pm
8/28 Sat 11am-11pm
   *Urbana Sweetcorn Fest* -- downtown Urbana

   AWARE's booth is #104, on the south side of Main St.,
   fourth booth eastward from Race -- somewhere between
   Wooden Hanger and La Gourmandaise.

   This is a great chance to talk with a wide variety of 
   people from around Champaign county -- we can be an anti-war presence
   for a very different crowd from those who come to the farmer's market.

   Fortunately there is no band playing next to us this year,
   though on Sat. the Motor Muster, whatever that is,
   will be just across Race St.

   Please come by and see us!  And, to those who are
   helping staff the booth, thank you!

8/30 Mon  5:30pm   Gregory Hall room 223
   (on Wright St. just north of Armory, near UofI main library)

       "The Case For Socialism"
   Meeting of the ISO, International Socialist Org.  They write:

     We live in a world of poverty, war, and environmental devastation.
     A world where living standards for working people plummet while an
     elite few enjoy lives of unbelievable wealth and power.  Something
     different -- an alternative to capitalism -- is desperately needed.
     But what should replace it?

     Come to this meeting to hear about the socialist alternative --
     a society built from the bottom up through the struggles of ordinary
     people against exploitation, oppression, and injustice; and discuss
     how you can be a aprt of that fight here at the University of Illinois.

     For more info, contact:  ISO.Champaign at gmail.com

   [Generally this semester, ISO meetings will be on Monday evenings,
    starting today, 8/23 at 5:30pm.]

9/1 Wed  9:00pm  Illini Union Courtyard Cafe
   "Radical Education for Autonomous Persons"
   C-U's local anarchist reading group.  They write:

   Discuss zines, pamphlets, books and films from an anarchist perspective
   Challenge, critique and investigate what the political
     philosophy of anarchism is all about

   First reading: "Anarchism and American Traditions" (1905),
    by Voltairine de Cleyre.

    [Interesting: I read that de Cleyre often spoke of the
    importance of women having a room of their own,
    a point that Virginia Woolf later took up.  -SL]

   More info:  cuareading {at} gmail.com
          or:  http://cuareading.blogspot.com/

9/4 Saturday 2:00pm-4:00pm  Main and Neil intersection, downtown Champaign
   AWARE's monthly first-Saturday anti-war protest.
   Please come stand with us against the ongoing wars.
   Carry one of our signs, or bring your own, or just be there.

9/21 Tue  somewhere
   September 21st is the International Day of Peace.
   Let's commemorate it, somehow.  Last year, Joy George
   organized a candlelight vigil at the Alma Mater, Green & Wright.
   Joy G. and Stuart and whoever is interested
   will meet soon, maybe some lunchtime --
   let Stuart know if you'd like to be involved:
   slevy {at} new.math.uiuc.edu.

9/26 Sunday 2:00-4:30pm   Champaign Public Library
   Showing of film: Rethink Afghanistan
   by Robert Greenwald / Brave New Foundation
   (AWARE Films group)

10/16 Saturday, somewhere in downtown Chicago
   Midwest Regional Action: A teach-in and large antiwar
   demonstration right in Obama's home town, during the runup
   to elections.  Organizing committees (Outreach, Teach-In,
   Cultural Diversity, Logistics ...) are assembling.
   Interested?  Contact: Andy Thayer,  CCAWR {at} aol.com.

   [In any case, AWARE should be involved at least by sending
   people to this region-wide gathering, I think.  -Stuart]
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