[Peace-discuss] China's economic achievement

E. Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Thu Aug 26 10:44:18 CDT 2010

I agree about the shortsightedness of China re the environment and many 
other issues re sustainability.

And indeed they have imported a great deal of technology, but there is 
some understanding of the technology.

My 3.5 year old computer monitor (an Acer flat panel) lost its back 
light the night before last at 2 am while dr. Qiao was using it.  I took 
it across the street yesterday at just before 1 in the afternoon to the 
little computer shop.  The guy brought it back to me repaired just 
before 3 pm.  This is in Qixian, a relative backwater town.  It cost $16 
to have it fixed.

Regarding China paying attention to the rules laid down by the State 
Department, the only real threat the US poses to China is that China's 
exports to the US might be taxed heavily or restricted, which is 
actually quite possible.  Military power isnt any threat whatsoever to 
China.  They wont back down.  Crimping China's oil supply seems to be a 
clear goal of the US but the effect is not at all clear.

On 8/26/2010 5:28 AM, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
> China's economic achievement has little to do with globalization. It 
> is related to trade and export. China has gradually become an 
> export-oriented country. No one, myself included, is opposed to 
> exports. But this is not globalization. In fact, China has become a 
> factory in the Northeast Asian production system. If you look at the 
> whole region, you will find it very dynamic. China's export volume is 
> enormous. But there is something we have overlooked. China's export 
> relies heavily on the exports of Japan, Korea and the US. These 
> countries provide China with high-tech components and technologies. 
> China is just doing the assembly, and labelling the final products as 
> 'Made in China.'
> China has developed rapidly by following wise policies. But while 
> millions of people were lifted out of poverty, costs such as 
> environmental degradation are high. They are merely transferred to the 
> next generation. Economists will not worry about them, but these are 
> costs that someone needs to pay for ultimately. It may be your 
> children or grandchildren. These have nothing to do with globalization 
> and the WTO.
> http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2010/08/noam-chomsky-in-china/
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