[Peace-discuss] Fw: Breaking news...

Laurie Solomon ls1000 at live.com
Sat Feb 20 12:41:23 CST 2010

The Dems are finally showing some balls and forcing Harry Reid to endorse and support the types of actions that he should have taken long ago so as to exercise power to bring about legislation that a majority of the public wanted but the Republicans blocked under the super majority requirements along with the giving into people like Lieberman and some of the conservative Dems by offering compromkises that took options off the table.

From: Adam Green, BoldProgressives.org 
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 12:00 PM
To: Laurie Solomon 
Subject: Breaking news...



Friday night on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow announced: 

"Breaking news. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is now signaling that he is ready to join the newly resurgent health reform fight. He says he would support a plan to pass a public option for health insurance without Republican support."

Reid's announcement was prompted by a letter from 19 senators calling for the public option through reconciliation. Keith Olbermann added, "The people who started this letter campaign showed some courage."

The senator who led the charge -- Michael Bennet of Colorado -- is now being slammed by Republicans and conservative papers in his state. 

Can you show Bennet that he has support -- and encourage him to keep being bold -- by chipping in $3 to his 2010 campaign? Click here.

The Denver Post accused Bennet of trying to "jam [the public option] down our throats" while a Republican opponent accused him of showing "outright contempt" for voters. But a recent poll shows that Colorado voters want the public option 59% to 36%!!

Let's encourage Bennet to keep fighting. Can you chip in $3 to his campaign? Click here. 

(At this link, you can also support Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand -- an original signer of Bennet's letter who is in a competitive primary against corporate Democrat Harold Ford.)

The public option fight is far from over -- we still need to push many other senators to commit to voting with us. But this week's momentum would not have been possible without Bennet, Gillibrand, and other senators sticking their necks out.

Please say thanks today.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Aaron Swartz, Michael Snook, Brian Bills, and the PCCC team

Please say thanks to senators who made this momentum possible.

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Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (www.BoldProgressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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