[Peace-discuss] agents provocateurs captured on film at toronto G20

E.Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Tue Jul 6 12:46:38 CDT 2010

there is video and still footage showing the provocateurs destroying a police car while the protestors stand back and other photos  and video pointing out specific agents who led destructive activity then later appeared with police to arrest participants  and others.

Melissa Hill of Minneapolis is compiling the video material from many different source.  As in Pittsburgh there were camera shots of the same events from several different angles.

Protestors should be aware that this sort of thing goes on and can give a negative spin to legitimate peaceful protest activity and can shut down the protest and get land you in the slammer.

Indy and I saw "anarchists" with checks from Ramsey County at his hotel in St. Paul at the RNC2008.

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