[Peace-discuss] "Easing" Gaza Blockade

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 8 09:25:26 CDT 2010


That blockade is only legal under international law if it is specifically used 
to deny the enemy "supplies needed to conduct hostilities"– that is military 
material. The collective punishment and/or mass impoverishment of a civilian 
population carried on as a method of warfare is strictly prohibited. No matter 
how the Israeli government wants to twist the situation for their own public, 
and however distorting the America media wants to be on this topic, the Gaza 
blockade is a prima facie illegal act in any objective court or investigatory 
setting. That is why the Netanyahu government does not dare to allow an 
independent investigation of the Gaza flotilla attack. Even in a state of war, 
if you are operating an illegal blockade you cannot legally attack a ship 
violating that blockade no matter where you find it. The Israelis have been 
hoisted on their own petard.

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