[Peace-discuss] Work against the war

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Thu Jul 8 20:36:58 CDT 2010

 From WarIsACrime.org:

	War $ Not Passed Yet

On July 1, the House sent a bill with $33 billion in war escalation funding in 
it back to the Senate, but with changes the Senate will have to deal with. 
There is a good chance the Senate will make changes and send it back to the House.

If that happens, we will be in a good position to stop it.  Already last week 
the House was unable to pass war funding without Republican votes, and so passed 
it without technically voting on it at all.  The vote on the R ule to create 
that crazy procedure, however, nearly failed despite the built-in excuses that 
(1) it was just a "procedural" vote and (2) it allowed votes on good amendments. 
  This time, we'll be ready to confront that first excuse, and the second one 
won't be there.

Our message to congress members is simple, clear, moral, and urgent: VOTE NO. 
If good measures are included, VOTE NO.  If it's merely a procedural vote, but 
the procedure facilitated by it is mass murder, VOTE NO.

We need to keep calling, lobbying, protesting, disrupting, and communicating, 
whether this bill comes back to the House or not.  There will be another one.

Capitol Hill Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

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