[Peace-discuss] Vote: Dumbest Mistake in a "South of the Border" Review!

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Tue Jul 13 16:26:45 CDT 2010

The Oliver Stone documentary, "South of the Border" takes aim at the
media for its misinformed and misleading coverage of Latin America.
The film includes clips from CNN, network news programs, the New York
Times, Fox News, and other media to demonstrate just how bad the
coverage can be. But a host of reviews of "South of the Border" serve
as additional examples, getting countries and presidents mixed up with
each other, confusing democratic elections with coups d'etat, and
other errors.

What do you think is the dumbest mistake in a "Border" review so far?
Vote in the poll!


Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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