[Peace-discuss] Roll on, refudiation...

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Sat Jul 31 16:44:58 CDT 2010

In a generally excellent consideration of the Wikileaks documents, Alex Cockburn 
tells the following story:

"A friend of mine was at a dinner with the CBS news producers, shortly before 
they broke the Abu Ghraib tortures. Almost everyone at the table thought that 
Bush might well be impeached."

Similarly at least some thought that impeachment - or at least the ending of 
funding for Obama to kill people in AfPak - would be the result of the Wikileaks 

In both cases, however, the political class - the 20% of the population who 
follow government doings outside of the area of their immediate employment 
concerns - rallied around their president (Bush in the first case, Obama in the 

It's only August. We have another month before we begin to hear the anguished 
cries of the liberals about how important it is to give Obama a Democratic 
majority in Congress ("Do you want Sarah Palin as President?!" "What about the 
Supreme Court?!" "The terrorists/teapartiers would win!")

At News from Neptune, we coined the Incompleteness Principle: "No one can be 
wrong all the time."  But the Obama administration looks like refuting our 
metaphysical certainty. The war, the economy, healthcare - to get one issue 
wrong, to paraphrase the poet, "may be regarded as a misfortune; to get them all 
wrong looks like carelessness."

No, far worse than carelessness. It looks like Obama is working for interests 
that are not those of the vast majority of the American people - but rather 
those of a tiny economic elite.

The antiwar movement should join radicals, socialists, Greens, and others to 
welcome the massive repudiation of the Democrats and the Obama administration 
that looks like occurring in November.


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