[Peace-discuss] Fw: Durbin - THANKS

Laurie Solomon ls1000 at live.com
Tue Mar 2 13:30:52 CST 2010

From: Adam Green, BoldProgressives.org 
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 10:51 AM
To: Laurie Solomon 
Subject: Durbin - THANKS



Senator Dick Durbin made Illinois proud.

The DC pundits are telling Democrats to cave to Republicans and big corporations in the name of "bipartisanship."

But Sen. Durbin just joined the growing list of senators supporting the will of the people – saying he would vote "yes" for the public option in reconciliation if it came up for a vote.

When elected representatives take action, they deserve our praise.

Can you write Sen. Dick Durbin a short thank-you note for his support? Click here.

We'll deliver your note to him.

In just two weeks, support for passing the public option has skyrocketed. Over 30 senators have signed a letter or issued a statement in support of the public option, including nearly every member of the Senate Democratic leadership. Here's what Sen. Durbin's Communications Director had to say:

"Sen. Durbin has long been a supporter of the public option. I don't know whether the votes exist in the Senate right now, but if the House version of the public option came up for a vote in reconciliation Sen. Durbin would vote yes."

Let's show Senator Durbin that we appreciate him standing up for the public option -- thank him today. And please ask your friends to thank him too.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Aaron Swartz, Michael Snook, Brian Bills, and the PCCC team

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