[Peace-discuss] Afghanistan referendum, plan B

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 18:20:54 CST 2010

So, between the state legislature tightening the procedures, and us
failing to know about it and get the jump on the deadline, the
township process appears to be closed as a path to getting a
referendum on the Afghanistan war on the ballot in November.

However, I have a proposal for a plan B.

I believe it to be the case that it is within the power of city
councils to place advisory referenda on the ballot. A former member of
the Urbana council confirmed to me that this is so.

Ordinarily, that might not be a great opening, since city councils
might not be supportive of putting such questions on the ballot.

But in this particular case, we have a unique card to play: our goal
is to support the position of our Representative in Congress.

I asked Tim about this. I said, what if we could tell people that you
support this, maybe that would help us get it on the ballot.

He said: you can tell people that I have absolutely no problem with
it. I want to hear what the people say.

He said: probably the question you will get is people asking you, why
do you want to do this, if this is already his position.

To which my answer is: 1) because I want to educate public opinion
about the fact that public opinion wants the war to end. I think that
for a referendum that said, "Congress should establish a timetable for
the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan," we might be able to get
70-75% of the vote in Champaign-Urbana. I think that would be
newsworthy. 2) I think with a strong demonstration of public backing,
Rep. Johnson might be encouraged to lead nationally even more
strongly. 3) I want to reach Durbin. 4) I want to set an example for
other towns.

If I were to propose this to the Urbana City Council, would others be
supportive? Could we get any folks who live in Champaign to make a
similar ask of the Champaign City Council?

P.S. the debate on the Kucinich resolution is expected to be
Wednesday. Rep. Johnson plans to speak. Hopefully, we can catch it on

Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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