[Peace-discuss] While you weren't looking -- S. 3801

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Wed Mar 17 22:36:03 CDT 2010

Gotta be Karl Rove's fault...

Karen Capel wrote:
> S. 3801 http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s111-3081
> One resource: http://www.nolanchart.com/article7511.html [...]Now there is
> JihadJane, JihadJamie and a myriad of other American citizens being brought
> to the vanguard of mainstream media. You can do five minutes of research and
> see how most of these people are mentally diminished fruit cakes who couldn't
> blow up an ant bed in their front yard, much less pose any threat whatsoever
> to the American people. But the media and the government do not care about
> these facts. They use these "domestic terrorists" to incite irrational fear
> in the populace in order to pass legislation detrimental to the Constitution,
> such as the "Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act
> of 2010" as currently proposed by Senators McCain and Lieberman. This is the
> most daunting piece of legislation that this country has ever seen. It
> removes the right to a trial for American Citizens and gives the government
> the authority to detain American Citizens indefinitely for "suspected
> terrorist activity." The legislation states that any citizen could be an
> "Enemy Belligerent" if you are of "potential intelligence value" or in
> "matters as the President considers appropriate." WHAT??!! How chilling is
> that? The President can deem anyone he wants to as an Enemy Belligerent and
> have them "detained" with no rights, no trial, indefinitely. [...]
> Nice, huh?
> Karen

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