[Peace-discuss] What we really think

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Fri Sep 24 14:02:48 CDT 2010

      ANNIE. ...I mean, Henry, what /do/ you think?
     HENRY. I think it makes a lot of sense.
     ANNIE. No what do you /really/// think?
     HENRY. Oh, /really/ think.  Well, I /really/ think...
         --Tom Stoppard, "The Real Thing"

    Poll: GOP, Dem. losing popularity in US
    Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:29PM

An AP poll suggests President Barack Obama is not cooperating enough on US economy.

Findings of a new poll suggest that Democrats and Republicans are losing their 
popularity in the US ahead of November's upcoming midterm elections.

The poll, conducted by the Associated Press, found that while 60 percent of 
Americans disapprove of the job congressional Democrats are doing, 68 percent 
frown on how Republicans are performing.

While 59 percent are unhappy with how Democrats are handling the economy, 64 
percent are upset by the handling of the country's top issue by Republicans.

Most of the surveyed Americans say President Barack Obama is not cooperating 
enough on the economy, yet even more accuse Republicans of the same thing.

Former US President George W. Bush and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin are 
both viewed negatively by more than half of the respondents to the poll. People 
overwhelmingly fault Bush more than Obama for the recession.

The poll revealed that only four in ten Americans will likely show support for 
President Obama in November's midterm elections.

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