[Peace-discuss] Is a Vote for Romney a Vote for War?

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Tue Dec 27 12:31:39 CST 2011

Do you remember that time during the 2000 presidential campaign, when
George W. Bush made clear to the American people that if he became the
next President of the United States, he would take the country to war
with Iraq -- a war that would kill 4,484 Americans, "wound" 22,490,
give hundreds of thousands of Americans head injuries and
post-traumatic stress, not to mention killing hundreds of thousands of

You don't remember that? Me neither.

Shouldn't the fact that the Iraq war was a consequence of George W.
Bush becoming president, although that consequence was not apparent in
2000, inform how we judge the likely consequences of Mitt Romney
becoming president?

No one can say that a war with Iran would be a certain consequence of
Mitt Romney becoming president. Some of Romney's war-mongering could
be campaign bluster. President Bush engaged in a lot of saber-rattling
towards Iran, but he never attacked Iran. Maybe a President Romney
would be the same.

Who wants to roll the dice?


Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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