[Peace-discuss] What the Right thinks

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Wed Dec 28 21:15:15 CST 2011

It's interesting to see that Coulter thinks the two most important  
issues are (1) immigration and (2) Obamacare. But both are supported  
by the currently regnant ideology of the right, neoliberalism:

[1] Neolberals support immigration, legal and illegal. "First, there  
isn’t a single US corporation that doesn’t have an HR office committed  
to respecting the differences between cultures, to making sure that  
your culture is respected whether or not your standard of living is.  
And, second, multiculturalism and diversity more generally are even  
more effective as a legitimizing tool, because they suggest that the  
ultimate goal of social justice in a neoliberal economy is not that  
there should be less difference between the rich and the poor—indeed  
the rule in neoliberal economies is that the difference between the  
rich and the poor gets wider rather than shrinks—but that no culture  
should be treated invidiously and that it’s basically OK if economic  
differences widen as long as the increasingly successful elites come  
to look like the increasingly unsuccessful non-elites. So the model of  
social justice is not that the rich don’t make as much and the poor  
make more, the model of social justice is that the rich make whatever  
they make, but an appropriate percentage of them are minorities or  

[2] Neoliberals also support Obamacare because it staves off tax- 
supported single payer while funneling money to the insurance companies.

But Coulter opposes both, apparently for fear that they will lead to  
higher taxes to support further social services (that Obamacare e.g.  
will slip over into single-payer rather than guard against it).

"Only One Candidate Is Right On The Two Most Important Issues"
by Ann Coulter 12/28/2011


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