[Peace-discuss] Dewey Defeats Truman: CNN Excludes Democrats and Independents From Iowa Caucus Poll

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Thu Dec 29 12:17:23 CST 2011

A recent CNN poll appears to run counter to recent polling showing Ron
Paul leading the Iowa caucus. The CNN poll shows Mitt Romney in the
lead, and neoconservative champion Rick Santorum rising. But the CNN
poll excluded from its sample Democrats and independents: precisely
the group of people whom previous polling showed giving Ron Paul the
lead. Thus, in suggesting a Romney victory, CNN is repeating the same
polling mistake that many believe helped cause the Chicago Tribune to
falsely claim that Thomas Dewey had defeated Harry Truman: they are
polling a skewed sample of the electorate.


Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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