[Peace-discuss] al gore declares world soap day.

"E. Wayne Johnson 朱稳森" ewj at pigs.ag
Wed Jul 6 21:39:30 CDT 2011

This is not an attitude or a choice. It is a fact. We live in perfect 
liberty and government is a delusion, sustained by our refusal to say 
"Fuck you." The impulse to compromise, to obey, to tolerate inane 
pageantry and pretended obligation is a self-deceit, the wishfulness of 
a child at play.

Wave the flag if you must. Don't try to tell me it means something. It 
is a piece of cloth on a stick. It makes as much sense as waving a 
washcloth on World Soap Day.

No doubt that's next. Al Gore proclaims July 4th World Soap Day, to 
encourage everyone to wash their hands before handling food. In his 
anti-selfish psyche, where the greatest delusion of the greatest number 
is all that matters, there's nobody home in Al Gore's head to wonder if 
it matters that, in reality, the Declaration of Independence was signed 
on July 4th, proclaiming the inalienable liberty of individual men, free 
by natural right.

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