[Peace-discuss] Our Tahrir Square: DC's Freedom Plaza on October 6th [from David Swanson]

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.illinois.edu
Mon Jun 6 10:48:21 CDT 2011

----- Forwarded message from David Swanson <david at davidswanson.org> -----

Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2011 06:35:37 -0400
From: David Swanson <david at davidswanson.org>
Subject: [ufpj-activist] Our Tahrir Square: DC's Freedom Plaza on October 6th
To: ufpj-activist <ufpj-activist at lists.mayfirst.org>

   Our Tahrir Square: DC's Freedom Plaza on October 6th
   By David Swanson
   When other nations' governments go off track, their people do
   something about it.  In Tunisia and Egypt people have nonviolently
   claimed power in a way that has inspired Americans in Wisconsin and
   other states, as well as the people of Spain and the rest of the
   Washington, D.C., is the weakest point in our democracy, without which
   state-level reform cannot succeed.  Most Americans want our wars
   ended, our corporations and billionaires taxed, and our rights
   expanded rather than curtailed.  We want our money invested in jobs
   and green energy, not a global military that can't stop itself.  Our
   government in Washington goes in the opposite direction, opposing
   popular will on these major issues, regardless of personality or
   On October 6th, a Thursday, the Afghanistan War will complete its
   first decade as the United States goes into its 2012 austerity
   budget.  Tahrir Square in Cairo Egypt translates as Liberation
   Square.  We have in Washington, D.C., a square with the similar name:
   Freedom Plaza.  This square is located between the Capitol and the
   White House along Pennsylvania Avenue, and built into its surface is a
   map of downtown Washington on which nonviolent resistance actions can
   be conveniently planned.
   Today a coalition of organizations and prominent individuals is
   announcing at [2]http://october2011.org a plan to begin a people's
   occupation of Washington, D.C., on October 6th, to build it into
   something larger on the 7th, 8th, and 9th, and to not leave until we
   are satisfied.  There is absolutely no reason that our government must
   be permitted to continue functioning on behalf of Wall Street and a
   war machine.  In Afghanistan, the people protest our bombing of their
   homes.  We sit inside our own homes complaining about our economy, our
   banks, our schools.  Instead, we now have a chance to have a say, in
   solidarity with others around the world, with success just as likely
   -- if just as shocking to those in power -- as with past U.S.
   people's  movements and the recent advances in Tunisia and Egypt.
   This will not be another rally and march on a Saturday, make home
   movies, pat ourselves on the back, and go home.  We are coming to
   Washington to stay.  Today's announcement is an open invitation for
   all kinds of organizations, national and local, to join in the early
   planning stages of this campaign.  We need not agree on political
   ideology or party or much else.  We need only agree that nonviolent
   resistance to a government that routinely ignores the will of its
   people is appropriate in our nation as well -- even above all, given
   our nation's impact on the environment, global finances, and wars.
   Over this past weekend Wikileaks revealed that the U.S. government had
   been quite upset with Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown for
   pulling troops out of Iraq, and had accused him of something even
   worse: of having pulled the troops out in order to please the British
   public and win an election.  What, we might ask, would be wrong with
   the U.S. government occasionally doing what the U.S. public demands?
   When I'm in London later this week I will be pleased to let them know
   we're alive over here with exciting plans for October, and in fact to
   ask them to join in on October 6th -- they have plenty of good squares
   over there too.
   On the new website [3]http://october2011.org , which lists an
   impressive number of groups and individuals already committed, you can
   sign a pledge to be there on October 6th and to stay.  But how can you
   be sure you want to make that commitment?  How can you agree to travel
   great distances and make great sacrifices?  Sure, to be part of
   history, to be able to tell your grandchildren you were there for the
   most famous event of the new century, you could do it.  But how can
   you be sure that's what this will be?  Well, nothing is strictly
   guaranteed, but you can sign up right here
   [4]http://october2011.org/besure committing to be there and to do this
   only if at least 50,000 other people do the same.  With that number of
   dedicated people, we will be able to kick start a process of
   nonviolent change the likes of which we haven't seen in this country
   in many years.  Sign up there and we'll let you know how many others
   are with you.
   Individuals can sign up and spread the word.  You can also post on the
   website your reasons for being there.  So can organizations.  By doing
   so, you join a coalition and will be able to participate in the
   planning.  This is a coalition that is just beginning to be formed.
   It is not a new organization.  Existing organizations that promote the
   coalition website are in turn promoted by the coalition.  Get in touch
   to learn more: [5]http://october2011.org/contact
   Media outlets can also sign on as intending to cover the campaign.
   Many already have.  I'll be discussing this on Lila Garrett's "Connect
   the Dots" on KPFK today, on the Nicole Sandler Show, on GW on the
   Hill, and on Scott Harris's "Between the Lines."  Others are on lots
   of other shows.  Already independent video producers are devoting
   themselves to the cause.  Check out these videos by Dennis Trainor
   below.  Get inspired.  Make your own.  Tell your friends.  Groups on
   the West Coast like the Backbone Campaign are already planning
   training events and travel arrangements.  If you need or can offer
   help getting to D.C. let us know at [6]http://october2011.org/travel
   In the meantime, take the pledge to be there.  That act alone will put
   a little bit of concern into the minds of those ruining our country,
   and that will be something new:  [7]http://october2011.org
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   1. http://warisacrime.org/node/58074
   2. http://october2011.org/
   3. http://october2011.org/
   4. http://october2011.org/besure
   5. http://october2011.org/contact
   6. http://october2011.org/travel
   7. http://october2011.org/
   8. http://www.youtube.com/embed/6P5PN_JVpL8?rel=0
   9. http://www.youtube.com/embed/1pfAX99B6hc?rel=0

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