[Peace-discuss] July 4th Parade: AWARE's application was mailed today (Jun 19)

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 19 16:20:12 CDT 2011

Friends,I printed off, completed, and mailed AWARE's application form (along w/ $25 check) for the 4th of July Parade. If somebody sent- or was about to send in another take on the theme, I do apologize, but AWARE was facing a June 20th deadline, and I hadn't heard anything. 
The theme -- "New Frontiers" -- seemed to point to using media for promoting AWARE's causes at home and abroad, so that's what I said we'd be doing. I was thinking: Social networking/N Africa; the Internet/Wikileaks; Bradley Manning; Thomas Drake and other whistleblowers... and -- for not-so-comic relief -- the negative aspects: shock jockeys; MSM news as infotainment; and, of course, the gov't's warrantless wire-tapping.
Pls contact me to head this up or participate, and I'll give you a copy of what I sent it. I can help a bit this year -- I have a few ideas about simple, low-cost ways to represent the theme. 
No pressure -- if there are no takers, we'll let it go for this year. I'm happy to support the Parade even if AWARE doesn't participate. --Jenifer   352-2803
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