[Peace-discuss] [Peace] Are you interested in working on AWARE's 4th of July float? We need all the helpers we can get.

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 13:44:16 CDT 2011

[The overall theme is "Discovering New Frontiers"]

Some concepts so far [I am just the messenger]:
* It might be an opportunity to draw attention to Libya as a new "war frontier."
* Peace as a new frontier
* War is not the answer
* using media for promoting AWARE's causes at home and abroad; Social
networking/N Africa; the Internet/Wikileaks; Bradley Manning; Thomas
Drake and other whistleblowers... and -- for not-so-comic relief --
the negative aspects: shock jockeys; MSM news as infotainment; and, of
course, the gov't's warrantless wire-tapping.
* When did treason become standard U.S. policy?
* using some of the old signs from past years' "floats"; i.e. quotes
from Eugene Debbs, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day,
Grandpa Wahlfeldt, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Bradley Manning, ....

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