[Peace-discuss] Fwd: IVAW Statement on the Killing of Osama Bin Laden

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Thu May 5 12:23:31 CDT 2011

[I thought some might be interested in what IVAW has to say now --
Osama Bin Laden is no longer an excuse. -karen medina]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IVAW <webmaster at ivaw.org>
Date: Tue, May 3, 2011 at 7:32 PM
Subject: IVAW Statement on the Killing of Osama Bin Laden

Dear Supporter,

Osama Bin Laden is Dead, What Next?

May 3, 2011, New York City

Sunday night IVAW learned with the rest of the nation that Osama Bin
Laden was killed and his body captured by a team of U.S. Special
Forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan.  In light of our resolution condemning
the occupation of Afghanistan adopted in 2009, we have followed this
important news closely and want to share our perspective with
supporters, elected officials, policymakers, the press, and the public
at large.

Like many other Americans, IVAW welcomes the news of this weakening
blow to Al-Qaeda and its threat to our nation and the world. Our
hearts go out to the thousands of survivors and family members of
victims of the 9/11 attacks as they search for closure in this event.

As service members and veterans who have experienced the Global War on
Terror firsthand, we respectfully encourage the American people to
consider the killing of Bin Laden with a measure of restraint. His
death is only a symbolic victory. Although there is no doubt Osama Bin
Laden was responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians, the
path chosen by the Bush administration following 9/11 and continued
under President Obama’s watch has cost us more than any one terrorist
mastermind ever could. While it is right to remember those who died on
9/11, we should also be equally mindful of all those who have died as
a result of our misguided wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of
U.S. troops killed has topped 6,000 and estimates of civilian deaths
in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan range in the hundreds of thousands.

The elimination of Bin Laden proves that our nation’s security issues
are managed more effectively through political diplomacy and small,
targeted attacks than costly mass military action. Our government has
spared no expense in carrying out operations with no clear objectives
or an end in sight, squandering trillions of dollars in spite of our
nation’s economic crisis. Any citizen who is serious about the
consequences of our foreign policy, the rule of law, or a true sense
of justice needs to ask, has it been worth it? Whether you measure the
tremendous costs of these wars in human lives or dollars, our position
is that it has not been worth it.

The president claims that, “we can say that justice has been done.’’
But achieving real justice will not happen until the U.S. has removed
all occupying forces and returned the right of self-determination to
the people of Afghanistan and Iraq.  The Obama administration now has
an opportunity to bring our troops home and scale back our military
commitments overseas. Americans must reflect on the injustice of our
own actions through violating international law, committing torture,
suspending habeas corpus, and not holding our own leaders accountable.

Clearly our attempts to solve all our problems militarily have not
worked. It is our sincere hope that President Obama will not conduct
business as usual. While the president and his advisors will seek to
capitalize politically on Bin Laden’s killing, it remains to be seen
whether our foreign policy will change to reflect these new
developments. Having removed Bin Laden from the equation, President
Obama has lost a major source of rationalization for our continued
occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. We reject any plans to extend our
commitments elsewhere and want to see a hastening of the time line for

Share the statement with members of your community here.

In Solidarity,

Jose Vasquez
Executive Director

Iraq Veterans Against the War is a 501(c)(3) charity,
and welcomes your tax deductible contributions
P.O. Box 3565, New York, NY 10008. All Right Reserved.
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