[Peace-discuss] A president who violates the Constitution should be impeached

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Sat May 14 20:02:03 CDT 2011

‘A Supine Submission to Wrong and Injustice’
John Glaser, May 14, 2011

This Friday is a deadline for the Obama administration in the war in Libya. The 
sixty day limit on the use of military force without Congressional approval 
imposed by the War Powers Resolution will be reached on May 20th.

Not only does the Obama administration have, as The New York Times reported last 
week, “no intention of pulling out of the Libya campaign,” but it is diligently 
seeking to do so through loopholes and technicalities. One such consideration is 
to officially “pause” the engagement, and then “rejoin the mission with a new 
60-day clock.” Another is to stop using Predator drones for bombing, but 
continue for reconnaissance, giving the appearance of a non-military 
participation in this fundamentally U.S.-led NATO war...

[Read more at 

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