[Peace-discuss] Farmer's Market at the Square was chilly and wet. And now that they moved the non-profits away from everything else, we feel the cold shoulder.

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Sun May 15 10:35:53 CDT 2011

[This conversation started on Facebook, but I thought I would bring it
over here: -kem]

Karen Medina: Farmer's Market at the Square was chilly and wet. And
now that they moved the non-profits away from everything else, we feel
the cold shoulder.

Bill Strutz: Here is what Lisa Bralts is quoted as saying: "“This
year, the groups have been moved to Walnut Street, which is the
blocked-off street to the immediate west of the main market site,”
Bralts explains. “This will differentiate the groups a bit from the
vendors, will give them increased exposure, will enable animal rescue
groups to bring their animals (they will only be permitted in this
area), and will hopefully help with some of the congestion in the
market at that north end. The spaces will now house several food
vendors.” http://www.chambanamoms.com/2011/05/05/urbana-market-at-the-square-2011-preview/
-- so maybe we should see how this plays out over the next few weeks,
especially noticing the points that she cites, and then talk to her
about it
One thing I noticed is that there hasn't been any music on Walnut; but
this early in the season, there hasn't been much music, period.

Karen Medina: Differentiating the groups is NOT a good thing; mixing
up the groups is actually the best. It is not like some of us need to
be refrigerated and others need to be sprinkled with water.

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