[Peace-discuss] FMDC Monday 8:30pm @ La Casa

Jane Marshall jane.marie.marshall at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 10:42:15 CDT 2011

Dear friends,

COME OUT! If you have not yet, or haven't been in a while, join us!

Drumming, dancing, listening = FUN! You do not need to play music or dance.
Just relax and listen to the beats and the whistling of the crickets.

Yourself, friends, family, drums, shakers, any other instruments,

Since it's getting dark earlier, we will meet at 8.30pm.

This month we will meet at La Casa, where there will be a bon fire. We will
NOT meet at the pond at the Japan House.

Jane Marie Marshall
Doctoral Candidate, School of Social Work
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Field Coordinator, Illinois Permanency Enhancement Project
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