[Peace-discuss] US hypocrisy

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Fri Sep 30 19:21:38 CDT 2011

On the day that Obama murders an American citizen,

Stephen Zunes analyzes the president's speech on peace to the UN:

> http://www.fpif.org/articles/answering_obamas_un_address

"...One reason peace is so hard to attain is that the United States  
remains the world’s number one exporter of arms, has vetoed more UN  
Security Council resolutions over the past 40 years than all other  
member states combined, has a military budget nearly as large as all  
the other nations in the world put together, and maintains military  
forces in over half the countries of the world. Until there is a  
change in the Obama administration’s policies, the president has  
little credibility in preaching to the world about the importance of  

(Text of Obama's 21 September speech: <http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0911/64026.html 

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