[Peace-discuss] NDAA

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Wed Apr 4 14:31:06 UTC 2012

The NDAA - supported by Obama & both Illinois senators (but not by  
Rep. Johnson) - "...hands to the vast network of operatives and  
agencies that investigate and demonize anyone who is not subservient  
to the corporate state the power to detain citizens and strip them of  
due process. It will permit the security and surveillance state to  
brand as terrorists any nonviolent protesters and movements, along  
with social and political critics, that in the government’s  
imagination have any trace of connection to al-Qaida or 'associated  
forces.' If the National Defense Authorization Act is not reversed it  
will plunge us into despotism, leaving us without a voice, trapped in  
eddies of fear and terror, unsure of what small comment, what small  
action, could be misinterpreted to push us out of our jobs or send us  
to jail. This is the future before us. And we better fight back now  
while we can."


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