[Peace-discuss] Will it become an anti-war anti-Wall St. party?

C. G. Estabrook cge at shout.net
Mon Aug 27 00:09:58 UTC 2012

[Both Democrat and Republican establishments fear the appeal of Ron Paul's anti-war and anti-Wall St. positions so much that corporate media accounts of what he says have to be read carefully, to draw out the real implications. The following is from a typically clapped-out AP story.]

Paul says his backers will 'become the GOP tent'
August 26, 2012
By BRIAN BAKST, Associated Press

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Rep. Ron Paul, the plucky [sic] GOP presidential candidate yet to get fully behind Mitt Romney [sic!], lashed out Sunday at Republican efforts to marginalize his supporters at the upcoming party convention, telling a counter rally to stand firm because "we will become the tent eventually."

...Paul used the rally to lecture a party he thinks is too willing to intervene abroad, too timid when it comes to combating a monetary policy he sees as misguided, and too lax about preserving civil liberties [to put it mildly]...

"It made the paper in Washington that the revolution wasn't happening," the Texas Republican said. "Don't they only wish."

...he was denied a chance to speak [at the Republican convention] because he refused to let the Romney campaign vet his remarks and give an unconditional endorsement [as any honest person would; hence the speakers...]

Paul's coalition is made up of anti-war Republicans, people who want stricter government adherence to the Constitution [like obeying the First and Fifth Amendments, which Obama has massively violated]... 

Late last week, Republican convention rule-makers advanced measures designed to blunt the Paul presence, including votes to dull the strength of his contingent in the Maine delegation and another to make it tougher for similar candidates to follow his path in the future.

Ashley Ryan, the young new Republican committeewoman from Maine, said procedural moves viewed as minimizing Paul's supporters would backfire on the GOP.

"Our party will go from being a big tent with many ideas to a small group at the mercy of a few insiders," Ryan said.

Paul carried on with the theme. ""Believe me, we will get in the tent because we will become the tent eventually," he said, adding, "With the energy that we have. It seems to me they would be begging and pleading for us to come into the party."

...Doug Wead, an author and former adviser to both Bush presidents, drew loud applause when he described the congressman as "a clean boat in a sea of garbage"...

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