[Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] Assange article critical of the psuedo Left who favor extradition

Morton K. Brussel brussel at illinois.edu
Wed Aug 29 00:14:24 UTC 2012

I'm a little surprised and puzzled by your response, Ricky. I am puzzled because I couldn't understand your last paragraph; I just couldn't parse/fathom what you are saying there. 

I'm surprised that you thought the Atlantic Wire article was fair(?) and clarifying.  Here's a quote from it:

And just how plausible are the conspiracy theories that the warrant and planned extradition are not about rape at all but about Assange's highly controversial work with WikiLeaks?

The words "conspiracy theories" are written in bold to point out where this opinion is coming from. There are enough compelling arguments based on the actions of the governments [U.S., U.K., Sweden] involved to dismiss the idea that these are conspiracy theoriesy, a usually pejorative phrase.  Marsden's article on the other hand was easy to understand and agree with (for me).

Points to keep in mind: 
	Assange has so far not been charged with anything.
	The assertions of his accusers have not been substantiated, so why do certain feminists(?) and their sympathizers take it upon themselves to assume that he is guilty of "rape". We need a fair judicial process to determine the accuracy of their various claims. There has been none. If such a judicial process takes place, and he is found guilty, then the law will take care of him, I hope, in a fair way. 
	But we do know that the U.S. governments and its European clients (and others) have been embarrassed by wikileaks revelations and want to annihilate those who brought to light what these governments have done. Witness Bradley Manning's incarceration and general treatment. 
	We do know that there is credible suspicion that Assange may be delivered to U.S. government hands, so it is important to determine if Sweden of the UK will hand him over. They are unwilling to say that they will not hand him over. One can readily infer why. 

The attempts to undermine and destroy outlets such as wikileaks is something much more important then to Assange's presumed behavior of sexual aggression before there is any reason to do so, or even after. I sense that you are, unintentionally perhaps, trivializing these issues.

I would suggest that you refer to Glenn Greenwald's compelling discussions on this topic. 

--Respectfully,  Mort

On Aug 28, 2012, at 9:18 AM, Ricky Baldwin wrote:

> Well, it is interesting to read about the actual allegations versus the charges, if that's accurate.  I've read different accounts on that.  But a one little leftwing group insulting another little leftwing group is not really news, is it?  These so-called 'parties' are always fighting over headline news, most of which have little to do with socialism or class, in an attempt to shine as the 'true path' - when in reality it doesn't matter much which one is 'true' because most of them have no influence on their own.  They might, in my opinion, if they could stop squabbling long enough, but that's a very big 'if'.  
> Don't get me wrong. Personally, I've found the ISO here in town and the ISO and the WWP in Buffalo, NY, good to work with, though they disagree fiercely with each other.  And I still count myself IWW, even though that's not really a party.  But the value of these things to me always must depend on who and what they/we can organize.
> That's not to say there's anything wrong with putting a left/socialist spin on the news.  The mainstream media of course need a challenge from the left or two.  But to be valuable they need some substance.  This article has a bit, but I don't find it convincing.  Contrast it with this more substantive review: 
> http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2010/12/julian-assange-rape-charges-serious-crime-or-anti-wikileaks-conspiracy/21994/ 
> - which we may find bland, but it tells us more of what we really need to know.  I'm concerned that, reading this article attacking the 'pseudo-left' groups, I still feel it mostly wants me to pick which is more important to me, defending a leftwing cause celebre or defending women from rape.  And I find myself agreeing with the comment to the effect that this guys could be both a hero of the left and a person who made a very big mistake with serious consequences to other human beings.  He wouldn't be the first person we could say that about, after all.
> Can't we get away from the purist need to evaluate every political act or effort by the morality and/or criminal record of the main character?  Let's say Assange is guilty of rape.  That's a serious crime, whether it's a crime in Ecuador or England or not (in Mississippi until recently it was not a crime for a husband to rape his wife), and he should not get a pass because he has done other good works.  While we cannot agree that 'rape is rape' if that means that all rape is alike, because clearly there are more or less brutal acts of rape or murder or anything else, and if as one of the allegations suggests, a consensual act became nonconsensual, surely that is different in some way from an act that is nonconsensual from the start, but still it is wrong.  Does this diminish his work with WikiLeaks in any way?  Of course not.  The work was valuable.  The worker may have been flawed - but he has not stood trial yet.
> Is it hypocritical to donate to his legal defense fund if we believe his prosecution is politically motivated?  That's just silly.  But it's disingenuous to attack the position that Sweden should prosecute him for these allegations and still refuse to extradite him to the US for political trial, even if the Swedish government has rejected this position.  The argument is that Sweden SHOULD agree, just like Marsden's argument is that England SHOULD refuse to extradite Assange.  Neither the SWP/SP positions nor the Marsden article is likely to determine the actual course of events, but analyzing is an attempt to influence events, or at least to learn from them.  I just didn't learn very much from this article.
> But it did make me poke around, and I guess that's good.
> Ricky 
> ________________________________________
> From: occupycu-bounces at lists.chambana.net [occupycu-bounces at lists.chambana.net] On Behalf Of David Johnson [dlj725 at hughes.net]
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 12:16 PM
> To: Peace-discuss List
> Subject: [OccupyCU] Assange article critical of the psuedo Left who favor       extradition
> Good article critical of two of the so called
> " Socialist " parties in Britian, who are in fact
> " Neo-Liberal ", from a REAL Socialist list-serve in Britian.
> Britain’s Socialist Workers Party and Socialist Party back extradition of Assange
> By Chris Marsden
> 27 August 2012
> Britain’s largest pseudo-left groups have lined up behind the demand that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange be extradited to Sweden.
> Both the Socialist Workers Party and the Socialist Party echo the propaganda of the liberal media that Assange must face rape charges and that the allegations of sexual assault have nothing to do with the efforts of the United States, Britain, Sweden and other governments to silence him and destroy WikiLeaks.
> The SWP’s Tom Walker writes, “Julian Assange must face rape charges, not US revenge.” He notes the fate of Bradley Manning, “the US soldier accused of leaking state secrets who has so far spent more than 800 days behind bars without trial in military prison.” He points out that Manning has been chained hand and foot and mostly held “in solitary confinement for 23 to 24 hours a day and denied clothes and blankets at night.”
> But he does so only to then claim that the “case of Assange…is far more problematic” because his extradition to Sweden, thwarted by his being granted asylum by Ecuador, is “for arrest and questioning over accusations by two women of rape and sexual assault.”
> “Assange and some of his supporters have refused to take the rape allegations seriously,” he complains, before admitting, “We know that Assange faces a secret ‘sealed indictment’ in the US, and a grand jury has been convened against Wikileaks.”
> To square the circle, he urges the Swedish authorities to guarantee that Assange will not be extradited to the US, which would “clear the way for him to face his accusers.”
> Walker is, of course, well aware that Sweden has refused to give such an undertaking and that it would be meaningless even if it did so.
> The Socialist Party reproduces an edited article by one of its Australian co-thinkers bearing the telling headline, “No Extradition to the USA.” The article tacitly supports Assange’s extradition to Sweden, arguing that “in a society where crimes against women are often ignored and trivialised, such allegations cannot be dismissed and should be properly investigated...”
> “It is important for socialists to reject any idea that some rape does not need to be taken seriously,” the SP insists, going so far as to compare Assange’s supporters with the US Republican senatorial candidate Todd Akin, who created a stir last week with his reactionary and ignorant remark about “legitimate rape.”
> The SWP and SP had maintained a deafening silence on the attempt to railroad Assange. The SWP last published a five-sentence item on Assange on March 5, 2011, and the SP last wrote on the issue on December 15, 2010!
> The reason for their reticence is now clear. Both have long been in agreement with the extraordinary campaign by the right-wing as well as the nominally liberal press to tar Assange as a sexual criminal, but were reluctant to say so publicly. Now the time to procrastinate is over. To do so would risk alienating the upper layers of the petty-bourgeoisie to which they are oriented—those who have long promoted the politics of gender and race in opposition to class-based socialism—and who are now being whipped up against Assange.
> The media’s howls of outrage over Assange’s alleged conduct in bed, the high-sounding posturing as defenders of women and the invocations of natural justice are so much hot air. The sole aim of the press pack is to muddy the political waters, conceal the real issues at stake, and intimidate those opposed to extradition by casting them as misogynists or even “defenders of rape.”
> There is nothing to distinguish the SWP and SP’s stand from that of various faux liberal commentators such as Owen Jones, who wrote in the Independent that people such as Assange who “do otherwise commendable work” if “presented with rape allegations” must “face them like anybody else… Let’s be clear, rape is rape.”
> What unites all of these media commentators, the ex-left included, is an insistence that the allegations (no charges have been laid) against Assange are grave and must be taken seriously. By “seriously” they mean entirely uncritically and, above all, without reference to the context in which they were made. To do otherwise, they insist, is to somehow question not only his two accusers, but to endorse the exploitation of womankind by predatory males everywhere.
> This endlessly repeated injunction must be rejected. It is only in the deeply disoriented circles to which the Guardian, Independent, et al. cater, of which the SWP and SP are an essential component, that the presumption of innocence can be replaced by an insistence that all women tell the truth and all men are liars and sexual predators.
> The reason why there are still no charges placed against Assange is that the claims made by his accusers are not credible. His relations with the two women were consensual. Indeed, both of the women had repeated sexual encounters with Assange over an extended period, including after the alleged incidents that led to their complaints.
> The European arrest warrant against Assange alleges “unlawful coercion” when he purportedly held plaintiff one down with his body weight and sexually molested her by allegedly failing to use a condom. The same accusation of not using a condom is made for plaintiff two, along with a claim that she was asleep when sex was initiated by Assange. The final claim is that he “deliberately molested” plaintiff one by pressing his erect penis against her body.
> The police statements made by the women make no reference to a stated lack of consent or threat of force and refer to a split condom, rather than a failure to use one. The testimony regarding Miss W (plaintiff two) being asleep is contradicted by her own tweets—referring as they do to being only “half-asleep.” Plaintiff one had thrown a party for Assange after the alleged incident of sexual assault against her and invited Assange to stay in her room afterwards.
> The women had initially gone to the police after conferring with one another, but then only to insist that Assange take an HIV test, which, in an extraordinary breach of standard procedure, the police did. The women did not allege rape.
> That is why the initial investigation of August 20, 2010 was dropped and an arrest warrant against Assange cancelled the next day by one of Stockholm’s chief prosecutors, Eva Finne, who said in a statement to the press: “I don’t think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape.”
> The reissue of the warrant took place only after the intervention of Swedish Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny on September 1, 2010.
> Under normal circumstances, such flimsy and unsubstantiated allegations would not be considered the basis for criminal charges, especially after the two women were allowed to confer and give evidence together by the police. But these are not normal circumstances.
> Whatever weasel words are employed by his accusers, the levelling of sex allegations against Assange was clearly politically motivated. It was done only after consultation between the police, public prosecutors and the Swedish government.
> Equally, the determination of the Conservative-Liberal Democrat government in the UK to deport Assange, even if this means breaking diplomatic relations with Ecuador, can have nothing other than political motives. This is, after all, a country that worked might and main to ensure that the fascist mass murderer Augusto Pinochet was not extradited to Spain.
> Those journalistic hacks who deny the involvement of Washington in these events know they are lying. They do so because of a shared desire to see Assange silenced. Those such as the SWP and SP who insist that the threat of his being shipped off to the US should not impede a supposed struggle against gender-based violence are more shame-faced, but contribute to the same outcome.
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