[Peace-discuss] Sunday 5pm meetings

C. G. Estabrook cge at shout.net
Thu Aug 30 21:45:47 UTC 2012


As is my wont, I sacrificed myself for the benefit of my AWARE comrades: 

I had lunch and a drink at the new White Horse Inn, in order to assess its suitability as a venue for AWARE's Sunday meetings - as suggested by Brother Szoke.

My report, viz. & to wit:

(1) the draft beer selection is extensive but pedestrian (e.g., no IPA); and 

(2) for some unaccountable reason the menu consists almost exclusively of sausages*. 

(Is a political spin available from recalling the remark attributed to Bismarck, "Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made"?)

The bartender was so new as not to have worked a Sunday evening - but nevertheless opined that the WHI would not be crowded Sundays at 5pm.

There is a slightly removed table in a position that would be down right, were the bar a theatre: it would accommodate our usual Sunday complement. 

ACTION PROPOSAL: in light of the foregoing I propose AWARE foregather at the White Horse Inn 5pm Sunday 2 September 2012.

ADDENDUM: should invention flag Sunday next, I shall offer a dramatic reading of Chesterton's wonderful poem of war and peace, THE BALLAD OF THE WHITE HORSE. (The poem consists of 2,684 lines of English verse in ballad stanza form - cf. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which in addition I shall prepare, should there be a call for an encore that I can in no wise refuse...)

	ATTENDEES: Those alone shall escape this fell fate, 
	Ready to compass the overthrow of the state...  

Respectfully submitted, 


* I ate Andouille. I am unaware of the fate of Huey and Louie.

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