[Peace-discuss] The poets often get there first, again

C. G. Estabrook cge at shout.net
Fri Aug 31 12:34:09 UTC 2012

Some of the few sensible things said at the Republican convention came from a half-demented old actor.

Apostrophizing the absent Barack Obama in theatrical style, Clint Eastwood said, “You thought the war in Afghanistan was OK. I mean, you thought that was something that was worth doing. We didn’t check with the Russians to see how they did there for 10 years. But we did it.” [politico.com]

He asked, "So Mr. President, how do you handle promises you've made?" - instancing Obama's mendacious insistence that the US is withdrawing from Afghanistan (by 2024).

"'I think Mr. Romney asked the only sensible question, you know, he says, "Why are you giving the date out now? Why don't you just bring them home tomorrow morning?"' Eastwood added."

"The crowd cheered hard, perhaps out of sympathy for Eastwood, creating the awkward spectacle of a Republican convention roaring for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from the battlefield." [huffingtonpost]

“I remember three-and-a-half years ago when Mr. Obama won the election and, though I wasn’t a big supporter, I was watching that night when he was having that thing and they were talking about hope and change; and they were talking about, ‘Yes, we can,’ and it was dark outdoors and it was nice and people were lighting candles. I just thought this is great. I mean everybody is crying. Oprah was crying. I was even crying. I haven’t cried that hard since I found out that there’s 23 million unemployed people in this country. Now, that is something to cry for. That is a disgrace, a national disgrace.” [politico.com]

Eastwood reportedly once said that his views were a mix between Milton Friedman and Noam Chomsky. Not a bad place to be: e.g.,


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