[Peace-discuss] (no subject)

David Johnson dlj725 at microsoft.com
Wed Oct 17 03:11:19 UTC 2012

 I came across the following on facebook: 
Ok liberals, Democratic Party partisans and reluctant, lesser-of-two evil ninnies, you might as well get used to it, and learn to live with this: The One Percent used Obama, and he, in turn, used you, and now the vampires of the One Percent are done with him. Apropos, he is going down in the coming election and he deserves it. 

Obama -- who, in 08', took more Wall Street dollars than any previous 
 candidate for the U.S. presidency, Democrat or Republican, in the history of the nation -- mission is complete i.e., He kept the Wall Street criminal elite afloat in U.S .Treasury dollars and provided them with get-out-of-jail-free passes. Obama's duplicitous mission was to prevent the possibility of meaningful reform being enacted when the U.S. populace was primed for it. 

Obama is a betrayer; and he will suffer a betrayer's comeuppance i.e., he himself has been betrayed by the ruthless sorts he served. 

History will afford him no pity. Deep down, most feel little but contempt for a betrayer.
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