[Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] Finkelstein on Ghandi

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Thu Sep 6 02:20:03 UTC 2012


Despite my distressing monoglot (or perhaps mongoloid) tendencies, I take it that "Quanbu jiushi yiyang" (全部就是一样?) is roughly the Chinese for the sainted Janis' lyric:

   "[If you got it today you don't want it tomorrow, man, 'cause you don't need it, 
    'cause as a matter of fact, as we discovered on the train, tomorrow never happens, man.] 
    It's all the same fucking day, man."

But if it's the same day - or the same thing - and In That Day...

I'm not an admirer of Lincoln - I was protected from that by growing up in Virginia - but he did seem to come to realize what the war, which he and his people had brought on, was:

	“Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, ‘The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’”   

So it's hard to deny either your analysis or your prognosis. But I hope we can in fact be agnostic about the latter. And licensed gnostics like Strausbaugh (a NYT writer) offer diagnoses that remind one of H. L. Mencken's - without the winning smile. (Test: Mencken coined "ecdysiast" - from the Greek for "molt"; Strausbaugh coined  "colostomy-rock" for now-geriatric 1960s bands, like the Rolling Stones...)

So we can hope he's no better a prophet than Mencken was.  

From the Booboisie, CGE

On Sep 5, 2012, at 8:09 PM, "E. Wayne Johnson" <ewj at pigsqq.org> wrote:

> Perhaps many tire of hearing this from me, but I still accept the idea that there
> will be absolutely no remission of sin without bloodshed.  The Sins of the American people
> and their government (of course it's your government, you put them in office and have sustained them)
> will be at some future day called to account.  A day of reckoning, if you will, if you prefer or disdain
> such a turn of phrase.  Call it Karma or Mount Carmel.  Quanbu jiushi yiyang.  
> It's all the same thing, sez Gomer Pyle.
> The blood that Obama and his minions are shedding abroad for your hearts is not an 
> acceptable sacrifice.  You can't scapegoat the Arabs and Afghans, or persecute the Persians and the Pashtuns for your sins.
> It just won't work, and you can raise Cain about it how unfair it is for your veggies but that blood will cry out from the
> ground that something just ain't right.
> As I see it right now there are only two possible ways forward.  
> One is for the good people to rise up and slay the prophets of Obamney
> and feed the lovely and delightful Killary to the dogs.
> It is unlikely that the pepper-scented cowards of Amerika
> will rise up and bite their masters.   Many think that whole notion of a violent overthrow is
> nauseating if not just plain undesirable, and would even defend the rights of their masters to keep
> them under bondage.
> The other way is to "invite in" an invading "military force" to do the "killing".  Actually this is far more
> likely and seems to be the mode for correcting an empire in decline.  Since the people are unable/unwilling
> to sharpen and put in effect their own razor, a hired one will come in to do the shaving on a contractual
> basis so to speak.  Joel's army seems to be equipped with some cool pyrotechnical "entertainment".
> As some miscreant whose name i dont recall wrote about the manifest destiny without apologies to Pat, 
> the huns will slip up behind the sleeping amerikans and hit them over the back of the head with a sock full of shit.
> *
> I return you to your vital discussions of the importance of honouring the desire of those delicate ones on
> the "peace" list  to keep their eyes well shuttered (lettuce dye a pace in pace).
> *****
> ....Ok.... the guy's name is John Strausbaugh, the book is "Sissy Nation" and here is an excerpt:
> "....unless we stop acting like such sissies, 
> soon enough some lean, angry barbarians from somewhere out Beyond Fundadome 
> are going to overrun us, ramming their bayonets in our lard guts 
> like fingers poking the Pillsbury Doughboy, only we won't be giggling.”
> ***
> Well, Raggedy-man.  Ain't we a pair.

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