[Peace-discuss] Letter in News-Gazette

"E. Wayne Johnson 朱稳森" ewj at pigsqq.org
Tue Dec 31 00:16:41 UTC 2013

Whether I partake of your optimism about government employees or not, 
you do identify
several key problems plagueing Amerika:

1.  Militarism
2.  The police state and the incarceration industry.
3.  Crony capitalism and corporatism
4.  The well-being of the populace.
5.  Jobs and the economy.
6.  The health-care fubar.

Your challenge is not transliterated Ja'aaa-Kovs who fling words at you 
like cow-chips.
To me, the challenge is rather to state your case in ways that people 
can understand so that they
can find resonance with your ideas.

p.s. - After I sent the note I recalled that it was Epimenides not 
Euripedes was the guy always having trouble with his trousers.

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