[Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] 4th of July - AWARE float (or sink?)

"E. Wayne Johnson 朱稳森" ewj at pigsqq.org
Tue Jun 18 00:47:25 UTC 2013

Jonestown not Jamestown.

On 06/18/13 8:44, "E. Wayne Johnson 朱稳森" wrote:
> It's said rightly that truth is stranger than fiction
> but "surreal is stranger yet".
> The whole Obama thing is like watching some bizarre
> science fiction screenplay.  There was this episode of
> Star Trek where they got infected with some meme or
> the other that made them "groovy".  Somehow Capt. Kirk
> threw off the infection and got the antidote (anger) to the others.
> It's not just a prionic nanobot invasion of thought. There's
> an external manifestation, a change in appearance of the
> afflicted.  The glassy eyes are open and doelike,
> and wide apart and slightly bulging.  It's the expression
> of obsessive thralldom.  The 漫画 (manhua, manga) style
> cartoonist put multiple accessory pupils in large rounded
> eyes to portray this appearance.  It's the look of
> mindless unquestioning unreasoned obsessive
> submissive limerant infatuation.
> One might surmise that serotonin levels are elevated
> but this has not been checked in the field as far as I know.
> There is variable susceptibility in the population.
> Perhaps it is genetic with a complex inheritance, but it
> is also possible that the permissiveness that leads to this captivation
> is socially conditioned in some manner
> Regardless of the underlying weakness that leads to the
> individual being consumed by this malady, treatment seems
> difficult and there are many resistant cases.  Apparently
> many of those afflicted derive some perceived benefit from the
> paradaemonic association.  Others embarrassed by their folly
> seem to feign allegiance rather than risk exposure.
> Exposure to the truth in massive doses has led a few to
> complete or near complete recovery, but in others there is a violent 
> reaction
> to the truth characterised by incoherent vocalisations, fits
> of incomplete anger, and separation from the dissonant source.
> A total meltdown of anger actually might be purgative, cleansing,
> and maybe even curative, but anger is so revolting to those so
> afflicted that it is difficult to induce treatment.
> It's also something like seeing all those
> swollen carcasses with their really
> tight fitting jeans lying on the ground in Jamestown.
> And that will be the sad but true end for many of the Obamites.
> On 06/18/13 4:53, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
>> Why isn't that (a) goal here?
>> It certainly was in 1968 and 1973.
>> Impeachment and removal of a president for high crimes and 
>> misdemeanors (or resignation in fear of impeachment, like Nixon) is 
>> the mechanism that the Constitution provides to curb executive 
>> criminality. The idea is that a successor will not repeat the crimes.
>> If Obama is driven from office for murder and torture, even Joe Biden 
>> is smart enough to see that the same thing could be done to him.
>> In 1968, when Lyndon Johnson was driven from office by the rising 
>> opposition to a foreign war (about 70%, roughly what it is now), 
>> Nixon saw that he had to run as a "peace candidate." He was elected 
>> (barely) after announcing that he had "a secret plan to end the 
>> Vietnam war."
>> Of course, we know now that he was lying about being a peace 
>> candidate (like Obama) and widened the war (like Obama) once he was 
>> in office.
>> In "The Audacity of Hope" (2006 - significantly subtitled "Thoughts 
>> on Reclaiming the American Dream"), Obama wrote that the "greatest 
>> causality" of the Vietnam war was "the loss of trust in the 
>> government by the people." (One would have thought that it might have 
>> been 4 million dead Asians and tens of thousands of dead Americans, 
>> but Obama had other priorities.) His method of restoring that trust 
>> was to be an effective liar - the "more effective evil," as Glen Ford 
>> said - and, like Nixon, convince people that he was going to end the 
>> war.
>> The remarkable thing is that people still believe he is ending the 
>> war, when he's widening it. The media have a lot to answer for here, 
>> of course, but - as the CIA pointed out in 2008 - Obama is the more 
>> effective liar. ("Recall the 2008 CIA report fretting about growing 
>> anti-war sentiment in western Europe and concluding that the best 
>> weapon to safeguard against its continuation would be the election of 
>> Obama. That's because, the CIA presciently realized, Obama's election 
>> would massively increase public support for US wars because it would 
>> be a kind, sophisticated, progressive constitutional scholar rather 
>> than a swaggering, evangelical Texas cowboy who would be the face of 
>> them. Add to all that the Nixon-to-China dynamic - just as only a 
>> conservative president could have established relations with the 
>> Chinese Communists, arguably only a Democratic president could start 
>> a new war in the Muslim world, cut Social Security, etc." --Glenn 
>> Greenwald)
>> Don't you think people should be made aware of what he's doing, in 
>> order to stop him from doing it?  I think that should be our goal. --CGE
>> On Jun 17, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Karen Aram<karenaram at hotmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Right, and thats not our goal here, we know his successor wouldn't 
>>> do any different because its not the individual but the system/their 
>>> plan.
>>> Anyway, it gets the point across.
>>>> Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] 4th of July - AWARE float 
>>>> (or sink?)
>>>> From: carl at newsfromneptune.com
>>>> Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 12:12:55 -0500
>>>> CC: peace-discuss at anti-war.net; thenewmoon37 at yahoo.com; 
>>>> m-taber at illinois.edu; occupycu at lists.chambana.net; 
>>>> r-szoke at illinois.edu
>>>> To: karenaram at hotmail.com
>>>> It's already turned up in some places as
>>>> "Hey, Obama, hey
>>>> How many kids
>>>> Did you kill today?"
>>>> and
>>>> "B-A-R
>>>> A-C-K
>>>> How many kids
>>>> Did you kill today?"
>>>> Of course, the point of driving a president from office for his 
>>>> crimes would be to instruct his successor to avoid those crimes.
>>>> --CGE
>>>> On Jun 17, 2013, at 10:59 AM, Karen Aram<karenaram at hotmail.com>  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Carl
>>>>> Nope, that was a good one. It made the point, it addressed him and 
>>>>> evidently discouraged him from running for re-election, or so they 
>>>>> say.
>>>>> We're not in DC, what do you suggest for Champaign, Il, that rymes 
>>>>> with "Obama"?
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] 4th of July - AWARE float 
>>>>>> (or sink?)
>>>>>> From: carl at newsfromneptune.com
>>>>>> Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 08:58:20 -0500
>>>>>> CC: peace-discuss at anti-war.net; thenewmoon37 at yahoo.com; 
>>>>>> m-taber at illinois.edu; occupycu at lists.chambana.net; 
>>>>>> r-szoke at illinois.edu
>>>>>> To: karenaram at hotmail.com
>>>>>> Karen--
>>>>>> On that basis, would you say that the use of the anti-Veitnam War 
>>>>>> chant,
>>>>>> "Hey, hey, LBJ / How many kids did you kill today?"
>>>>>> was a mistake, forty-five years ago?
>>>>>> It seems to me, on the contrary, that it pointed out to a yet 
>>>>>> unknowing world, just what the then US president was presiding over.
>>>>>> --CGE
>>>>>> On Jun 17, 2013, at 7:24 AM, Karen Aram<karenaram at hotmail.com>  
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Carl
>>>>>>> I agree with you that there is no need to remove Obama's name 
>>>>>>> from the current US Wars. We call on "him" to close Guantanamo, 
>>>>>>> we sign petitions to him to stop the wars and killings, yes, he 
>>>>>>> has final say. However I do believe as I did in the 60's&  70's 
>>>>>>> that the signs and statements making jest or villianizing 
>>>>>>> individuals is trivializing what is a joint effort in respect to 
>>>>>>> US government foreign policy, precisely because we don't have a 
>>>>>>> King. My years in Thailand have not made me fearful of lese 
>>>>>>> majeste in the US.
>>>>>>> I in no way wish to "censor", only look at the goals AWARE is 
>>>>>>> attempting to achieve.
>>>>>>> I admire and respect what you have been doing as an individual 
>>>>>>> and as a group.
>>>>>>> Karen Aram
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OccupyCU] 4th of July - AWARE float (or sink?)
>>>>>>>> From: carl at newsfromneptune.com
>>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 19:58:57 -0500
>>>>>>>> CC: r-szoke at illinois.edu; rohnkoester at gmail.com; 
>>>>>>>> peace-discuss at anti-war.net; thenewmoon37 at yahoo.com; 
>>>>>>>> m-taber at illinois.edu;occupycu at lists.chambana.net
>>>>>>>> To: karenaram at hotmail.com
>>>>>>>> I'm constantly surprised by the tendency of opponents of 
>>>>>>>> today's US war to remove Obama's name from it.
>>>>>>>> Nothing similar occurred in regard to Reagan's wars of the 
>>>>>>>> 1980s, or Nixon's of the 1970s (or Germany's of the 1940s).
>>>>>>>> I'm coming to think that we're dealing with what the 
>>>>>>>> psychoanalysts call "identification with the aggressor" - what 
>>>>>>>> abused spouses or children apparently sometimes do, in excusing 
>>>>>>>> the crimes of the abusers. ("He didn't really want to do it"/ 
>>>>>>>> "He's promised he'll do better"/etc. - cf. the reactions to 
>>>>>>>> Obama's National Defense University speech.)
>>>>>>>> We're so horrified by all those dead children lying on 
>>>>>>>> hillsides in Pakistan, and Obama's relentless expansion of a 
>>>>>>>> war that he was clearly elected to end, that we make up an 
>>>>>>>> explanation in which things are not as bad as they clearly are.
>>>>>>>> But not telling the truth is not the way to build opposition to 
>>>>>>>> the administration's murderous policies.
>>>>>>>> --CGE
>>>>>>>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, Karen Aram<karenaram at hotmail.com>  
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Can we focus on the anti-war and the unconstitutionality of it 
>>>>>>>>> all, without naming individuals?
>>>>>>>>> I know its frustrating that so many democrats still have their 
>>>>>>>>> head in the sands, blaming all our ills on the republicans, 
>>>>>>>>> but targeting Obama, appears to many as teaparty rhetoric, 
>>>>>>>>> thus in the name of winning hearts and minds can we just refer 
>>>>>>>>> to the US Govt. in general?
>>>>>>>>> I'm heading over to the White Horse Inn for the meeting, on 
>>>>>>>>> the assumption that there will be a meeting.
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OccupyCU] 4th of July - AWARE float (or sink?)
>>>>>>>>>> From: carl at newsfromneptune.com
>>>>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 15:32:59 -0500
>>>>>>>>>> CC: rohnkoester at gmail.com; karenaram at hotmail.com; 
>>>>>>>>>> peace-discuss at anti-war.net; thenewmoon37 at yahoo.com; 
>>>>>>>>>> m-taber at illinois.edu;occupycu at lists.chambana.net
>>>>>>>>>> To: r-szoke at illinois.edu
>>>>>>>>>> Obama has chosen to prosecute a widening war at least as 
>>>>>>>>>> viciously (and unconstitutionally) as his predecessor - or as 
>>>>>>>>>> Nixon in SE Asia.
>>>>>>>>>> How can we exculpate him and still say we oppose the war? No 
>>>>>>>>>> one made him kill all those people.
>>>>>>>>>> --CGE
>>>>>>>>>> "Let me tell you what I felt - and maybe some of the rest of 
>>>>>>>>>> you felt - when I saw the pictures of the Bush library 
>>>>>>>>>> dedication. There was a group of men standing there, former 
>>>>>>>>>> presidents, the ones that are alive. Every one of them is a 
>>>>>>>>>> major criminal. A major criminal. Obama is continuing the 
>>>>>>>>>> grand tradition — that shouldn’t be a great surprise.
>>>>>>>>>> "The sentence that came to my mind at the time is from Thomas 
>>>>>>>>>> Jefferson, who said, 'I tremble for my country when I think 
>>>>>>>>>> that God is just, and some day will bring us to his 
>>>>>>>>>> judgment.'" [Noam Chomsky]
>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 1:17 PM, "Szoke, Ronald 
>>>>>>>>>> Duane"<r-szoke at illinois.edu>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Wish there were some way to relate our war&  racism concerns 
>>>>>>>>>>> more directly to the parade's official themes. I'll walk for 
>>>>>>>>>>> whatever theme or slogan is chosen, but hoping it will not 
>>>>>>>>>>> be merely the hundredth or thousandth instance of pounding 
>>>>>>>>>>> on the demon Obama. Will probably be at Bloomsday event 
>>>>>>>>>>> today around time of the AWARE meeting.
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Ron
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