[Peace-discuss] FW: CounterPunch vs. The New York Times

CGE galliher at uiuc.edu
Sat Nov 16 17:10:47 UTC 2013

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CounterPunch [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ndawmbpab.0.5hrdeuoab.ltx99deab.0&ts=S0985&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fstore.counterpunch.org%2F]
vs. The NY Times [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ndawmbpab.0.5hrdeuoab.ltx99deab.0&ts=S0985&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fstore.counterpunch.org%2F]

The digital subscription to the New York Times now costs $425 a year. What do you
get for that?

The stultifying columns of David Brooks and Tom Friedman?

Middle East reporters with ties to the IDF?

Environmental reporters who downplay the risks of exposure to nuclear radiation 
and pesticides?

An editorial page that helped plot coups in Venezuela and Honduras?

A publisher who capitulated to the demands of the NSA and CIA?

At CounterPunch, every day we publish an illuminating antidote to the dreary and
 predictable prose of the New York Times. Fearless reporting from the frontlines
 of the Middle East Wars, hardcore economics writing that documents the savage consequences
of the neoliberal project from the bottom-up, environmental reporting from scene
 of the crimes, political coverage that penetrates beyond the incestuous two-party
system, cultural writing that is smart and funny. And we offer this (and much more)
to a world-wide audience for free.
Once a year we ask for your financial help. Isn't a month of CounterPunch at least
worth the weekly cost of the New York Times? For the next few days, your $100 or
 more contribution will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a long-time friend of CounterPunch.
Don't miss out on this chance to support truly independent journalism by some of
 the best radical writers in the world. The satisfaction of enjoying a Tom Friedman-Free
Zone should be worth at least $100 a year.

So if you really want to support truly independent journalism, this is your moment.
A measure of justice is just a click away [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ndawmbpab.0.5hrdeuoab.ltx99deab.0&ts=S0985&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fstore.counterpunch.org%2F].

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(or a crate of books!) as holiday presents. (We won't call you to shake you down
 or sell your name to any lists.)

To contribute by phone you can call Becky or Deva toll free at: 1-800-840-3683.

Thank you for your support,

Jeffrey, Joshua, Becky, Deva, Nathaniel

CounterPunch PO Box 228, Petrolia, CA 95558

www.counterpunch.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ndawmbpab.0.wminboeab.ltx99deab.0&ts=S0985&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.counterpunch.org]
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