[Peace-discuss] Fwd: Monsanto is suing the entire state of Vermont

Ann via Peace-discuss peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Mon May 26 13:27:17 EDT 2014

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> From: "Hanna Thomas, SumOfUs.org" <us at sumofus.org>
> Date: May 26, 2014 at 11:17:38 AM CDT
> To: "Ann Hettinger" <annhett at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Monsanto is suing the entire state of Vermont 
> Reply-To: us at sumofus.org
> Vermont is about to become the first state to require that GMO foods be labeled as such, but Monsanto is about to fire back and sue them. Let’s stop Monsanto before it can get started.
> Dear Ann,
> Monsanto is about to sue the state of Vermont.
> Vermont will soon make history by becoming the first state in the country to require genetically modified (GMO) food to be labeled as such. Monsanto, the world’s largest GMO producer, is gearing up to sue the state.
> This is an important fight, not just for Vermont, but for everyone in the country: 25 other states are considering similar labeling laws but are waiting until other states take the leap for their own laws to go into effect. If Vermont wins, it might not be long until the entire country mandates GMO labeling, which would no doubt hurt the future of GMOs.
> We can’t let Vermont lose this battle. Let’s stop Monsanto before it can even get started:
> Tell Monsanto not to sue Vermont for its decision to label GMO foods.
> Monsanto is making outlandish claims in protest, including one that a labeling requirement would be a violation to the company’s freedom of speech. It's ready to put its corporate muscles to work to thump the state's decision, just as it has before: it recently successfully conspired with DuPoint and Kraft Foods to grossly outspend and defeat supporters of similar laws in California and Washington.
> No one can say for sure what the long-term health effects of GMOs are, but we do know that they’re often designed to allow for increased use of pesticides, and many don’t undergo safety testing. Given that, consumers deserve the right to know what risks they're taking when they decide what to eat.
> Labeling won’t mean an immediate end to GMO production, but it’ll be a huge first step -- let’s take it.
> Monsanto: We won’t let you sue Vermont.
> Thanks for taking action,
> Hanna and the rest of us
> **********
> More information:
> “Vermont governor signs first in US GMO-labeling law to go into effect.” RT, May 8, 2014
> SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in $3.
> This email was sent to annhett at yahoo.com. | Unsubscribe
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